September 22, 2024
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    Pravbashini Deshabandu

    President Ranil Wickremesinghe urged political parties, including the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) and Janatha Vimukti Peramuna (JVP), to collaborate with the government in safeguarding the country’s economic stability by ensuring the success of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

    President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced an increase in the daily wage of plantation workers to Rs. 1700. He reiterated his unwavering commitment to addressing the challenges faced by the plantation community, affirming his dedication to safeguarding their rights during his tenure as President.

    We are celebrating the 138th International Workers' Day on the historical records written with blood, sweat, efforts and sacrifices of the working people.
    This time we are celebrating it at a critical moment when an unprecedented economic crisis in our history has created many challenges within the workplace.
    However, in the face of any agreement, we do not ignore the labour rights. We decide on the workplace regulations based on the decisions taken through a discourse with the working people.
    Many countries in the world that faced major crises have rebuilt themselves with the power of working people.
    I pay special respect to the people who continue to work to rebuild the economy and the contribution they have made. This led to a new awakening in every field. We will work to strengthen the public sector, private sector and self-employed as strong economic forces.
    Similarly, in our country too, we should remember with great respect the awakening of the farmers who took the lead in making the country self-sufficient with food.
    There are many achievements that were made by the working people to the government and the government to the working people. We have passed many sufferings in the past that are never forgotten.
    Let us work to protect the situation we are in today with the determination of the people who work to overcome those challenges and gain victories. In this way, we will commit together to achieve a more stable and reliable future. For that, the working people, employers' federations and the government should work with tripartite understanding.
    Let us work together with determination to build the country while protecting the rights that have been secured.

    Dinesh Gunawardena (M.P.),
    Prime Minister
    Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

    Today, May 1 marks International Workers’ Day, commemorating the historical fight for workers’ rights and the establishment of the eight-hour workday.

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