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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting held on 06.03.2019 Featured

    March 07, 2019

    1.         Sri Lanka's Digital Economic Stretergy : 2018-2025 (Document No.08)

    Three major programs namely Digital Education Promortion Zone and Service Delevery Villages, Central Agriculture Control Center and the Tourism Data Exchange Center,  has been planned under the Sri Lanka's digital economic stratergy. It has also been planned to complete 10 major projects including projects that are digitized within 3 years. The cabinet of ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E.the president Maithreepala Sirisea upon r the request of Noncabinet Minister of Digital Ingrastructure and Information Technology.


    2.         Implementation of National Integrity Plan (Document No 09)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president Maithreepala Sirisena, to implement National Integrity Plan and activities with the assistance of Commition to Investigate Allegations of Bribary or Corruption.

    3.         Ratification of Protocol concerning the International Labour Organization's Forced Labour Convention. (Document No 10)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president upon the request of Non Cabinet Minister of Labour and Trade Union to ratify the Protocol No.29 of 2014 in line with the current legal frame work in Sri Lanka.


    4.         Implementing proposals to improve operations of the Maththala Rajapaksha International Airport  (Document No 11)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the combined proposal presented by Hon. Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe, Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Hon. Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation to carry out necessary activities in accordance with the report presented by the Negotiation Committee and project Committee.


    5.         Reimbursement of  the loss incurred by Super Markets that contributed to  the Government Program of providing Food Purchasing Facilities on Cost based Price (Document No.16)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Minister of National Policies, Economic Affairs Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Northern Province Development,  Vocational Training and Skills Development to settle Rs. 203 million loss incurred by Cargils (Ceylon) PLC and Lanka Sathosa.


    6.          Acquisition of Lands to accelerate the development of Kanasanturai Harbor. (Document No 18)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Minister of National Policies, Economic Affairs Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Northern Province Development,  Vocational Training and Skills Development to acquire 15 acre land owned by Sri Lanka Cement Corporation  to Sri Lanka Ports Authority.

    7.         Presidential Awards (Document No 25)

     The Cabinet of Ministers has approve the proposal to conduct an annual Presidential Media Awards program to encourage media persons. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of  Finance and Mass Media to provide financial awards to recepients of the award and to lifetime award winners, and to appreciate duties of the experts in editorial board and the Clasical Writers. 


    8.          Ammendments to Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Act No 15 of 1995   (Document No.26)


    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of  Finance and Mass Media to advise legal draftsman to revise  this act adding some essential proposals.


    9.           Secure funds for " Small Scale Agribusiness Partnership Program" (Document No. 27)

    This program is planned to implement within 2017-2023 using USD 105 investment, with the aim of covering 57,000 low income beneficieries. International Fund for Agricultural Development has agreed to prvide USD 54.4 million Loan Subsidy and USD 39.9 million of this amount has been utilized by now.  The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of  Finance and Mass Media to obtain more USD 14.52 million to carry out this program.


    10.      2018-  3rd Quarter Report on Government Sector Staff (Document No 28)

    The Cabinet of Ministers considered the facts presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of  Finance and Mass Media  regarding the data in 3rd quarter Report on Government  Sector  Staff.


    11.      Revising the Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund Act  (Document No. 29)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauff Hakeem Minister of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher education regarding the bill prepared by the legal draftsman to amend 3.2, 15 and 19 sections of  the Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund Act  No 66 of 1981.


    12.     Construction of 5 Story Complex for Cardiology Care at Ratnapura Teaching Hospital  (Document No. 33)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Dr. Rajitha Senarathna, Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine to carry out the constructions of Cardiology Care Complex at Ratnapura Teaching Hospital using Rs.1,325.9 million investment in 2020-2022 Medium Term Budget Framework.


    13.     The progress in the establishment of  joint ventures between Investors and State Pharmaceuticals Corporation for Drug Manufacturing. (Document No 34)

    The Cabinet of Ministers considered the facts presented by Dr. Rajitha Senarathna, Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine regarding the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plants which are being constructed by the State Pharmacutical Corporation with 17 approved investors.


    14.      Strenthening Medical Supply Facilities (Document No 35)

    The Cabinet of Ministers considered the facts  presented by Dr. Rajitha Senarathna, Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine regarding the improvement of drug storage facilities in 430 Regional Hospitals and  276 Primary Health Care Units using  Rs.3,788.6 million investment in 2020-2022 mid term budget framework.


    15.      Development of Beruwala, Galle, Paranawella/ Kudawella Fishery Habours .

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon .P Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economyc affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and  Fisheries and Acquatic Resources Development  to conduct the required environmental and social studies by the National Acquatic Resources Research and Development Agency.


    16.     Implementing Drought Risk Reducing Activities (Document No. 46)

     The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.Ranjith Madduma Bandndara Minister of Public Administration and Disaster Management to implement drought risk reducing activities in Allaippitti and Nunavil West, Vetharadaippukulam, Sambaloddai, Punkuduthivu East, Madaththuvelli  areas using Rs. 54.2 million investment.

    17.      Conservation and Promortion of the Art of Angam  (Document No. 47)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Sajith Premadasa Minister of Housing, Constructions and Cultural Affairs to publish a gazette notification to annul the Gazette notification issued by the English in 1817 prohibiting the Art of Angam Fight, and to name this art of fighting and other related arts as a National Heritage.


    18.      National Civil Aviation Policy (Document No.49)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation to implement the final bill presented to revise National Civil Aviation Policy in Sri Lanka.


    19.     Introducing an Alternative Care Policy for Sri Lnakan Children (Document Bo 51)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Chandrani Bandara, Minister of Women and Children's affairs and Dry Zone Development  regarding the introduction of alternative care policy  prepared for the  Sri Lankan children.


    20.      Purchasing a chillier machine for Air Conditioning System in Superior Court Building.(Document No. 52

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Thalatha Athukorala Minister of Justice and Prison Reforms to purchase a new Chillier Machine for the central air conditioning system in superior courts Complex.



    21.     Development of Rural Roads in Matara Pasgoda, Kotapola and Pitabeddara Divisional Secretariats  (Document No. 54)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Sagala Ratnayaka, Minister of Ports, Shipping and Southern Development to secure funds for the road development projects in Ketawala, Horagala, Rajawatta, Kekunahena, Isuru Uyana, Udadeniya, Nissankapura, Siyambalagoda East Tharunasewa road.


    22.     Setting up a Petroleum Refinery in Hambantota Area for Exporting (Document No 59)

    A Proposal has been presented to set up a Petroleum Refinery with 10 MT million annual capacity in Hambandota by joint venture of Silver Park International (Pvt Ltd.), Singapore and Oil and Gas Ministry in Omar Sultan State. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Malik Samarawickrama , Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade to provide 400 acre of lands to the investor on tax basis.


    23.     Technical and Vocational Education and Training. (Document No.60)    

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Minister of National Policies, Economic Affairs Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Northern Province Development,  Vocational Training and Skills Development to secure funds to implement a special program to attract the youth to Technical and Vocational Training sector.



    24.     Obtaining services of internationally experienced institutions for Forensic Auditing activities of the Central Bank (Document No 6

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to award this contract to M/s BDO India LLP India and M/s KPMG Sri Lanka  upon the recommendation of Advisory Procurement Committee of the Cabinet.


    25.      Procurement of Fertilizer for 2019 Apri. (Document No 67)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development and Irrigation to purchase 27,400MT of  Urea (Granular) from Agri Commodities and Finance per USD. 318.75 for 1 MT  , Muriate of Potash 3000 MT from  Valency International Trading Pvt. Ltd. per USD. 352.85 for 1 MT and 10000 MT of Triple Super Phosphate from Golden Barley International Pvt. Ltd per USD 317.00 for 1 MT.


    26.      Long term Contract for the purchase of Crude Oil. (Document No 70)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.  Kabeer Hasheem , Minister of Highways and Road Development, and Petroleum Resources Development to award the contract of purchasing Murban Crude Oil to M/s Swiss Singapore Overseas Enterprises Pte. Ltd. for eighteen months 2019 .



    27.     Acceptance of Tripitaka As a World Heritage (Document No 83)

    The proposal to name "The Thripitaka" as world heritage is proposed to be presented to the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, on  23 rd of March 2019. With the intention of fulfilment of this, HE. The President Maithreepala Sirisena  proposed to conduct a programme named "Thripitakabiwandana" from 16th  to 23rd March and the Cabinet of Ministers approved the Proposal.


    28.     Protection of Antiquities and immediate steps to avoid distruction, steal and unauthorized exporting of those  (Document No 87)

    The last amendment to Antiquities Ordinance No 09 of 1940 was made in 1998. The Government has identified the importance of updating legal provisions to meet  the present challenges. Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Sajith Premadasa, Minister of Housing, Constructions and Cultural affairs to amend the respective Acts to take actions to protect antiquities..

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