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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting held on 20.03.2019 Featured

    March 27, 2019
    1. Declaring Sri Lanka as a Mine Free Country and assisting the victims (Document No.09)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Minister of  National Policies, Economic Affairs,  Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Nortern Provice Development, Vocational Training and Skills Development and Youth Affairs to expedite National Mine Action Program.

    1. Updating the Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017 (Document No 18)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to update and amend the Foreign Exchange Act No 12 of 2017.


    1. Secure funds to set up National Vocational Training Centre in Hingurakgoda

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to enter in to agreements  with Cooperative Rabo Bank U/A  to obtain 35 million loan included with  9.7  Euro grant.

    1. Obtain Financial Assistance for the construction of High-altitude Stadium at Nuwar Eliya (Document No 18)

    Export Finance Institute in UK has agreed to fund this project and the Peoples Bank of Sri Lanka has agreed to cover the rest project value which is not covered by the export credit facility. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to conduct negotiation discussions with Peoples Bank on this matter.



    1. Secure funds to construct 200 rural bridges (Document No. 22)

    This project is planned to be implemented under concessionary financial assistance of the Netherlands. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to enter in to an agreement with Cooperative Rabo Bank in the Netherlands to obtain a concessionary loan included a Grant of 14 million Euros.

    1. Secure funds to establish a Medical Faculty at Sabaragamuwa University (Document No. 23)

    This project is planned to be implemented in 3 phases under 70.4 million USD investment. USD 50 million of the total investment will be deployed as a concessionary Loan and the rest (about 20.46 million USD) will be deployed by the Government. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to enter in to an Loan Agreement with Soudi Fund for Development to obtain USD 50 million concessionary loan to implement second phase of this project.


    1. Gazette Notifications imposing special Commodity Taxes that issued to provide relief for customers and Local manufacturers .

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to present the following gazette notifications for parliamentary approval. Gazette notification No.2014/30   dated  03.01.2019,  No.2018/65 dated 01.02.2019, No.2019/20 dated 08.02.2019, 2111/58 dated 24.02.2019 and No.2112/48 dated 02.03.2019.

    1. Construction of Six storied Pre-Clinical and Sub Clinical building in Jaffna Medical Faculty (Document No. 26)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauff Hakeem, Minister of  City Planning,  Water Supply and Higher Education to enter into an agreement with Laika  Group of Business in United Kingdom to implement this project with 740 million USD investment.

    1. Development of the National Hospital for Respiratory Diseases in Welisara (Document No 33)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Dr. Rajitha Senarathna, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine to implement this project in stages, with Rs.7,180 million investment.

    1. Project to conserve traditional Medical Knowledge – Stage  II(Document No

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Dr. Rajitha Senarathna, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine to implement this project in medium term budget framework  using  Rs. 350 million Investments .

    1. Establishment of a laboratory with Diagnostic facilities to deal with harmful and dangerous microbes (Document No 38)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Dr. Rajitha Senarathna, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine to set up a Bio-safety level 3 laboratory with Rs. 125 million investment, expanding the services of  Medical Research Institute.


    1. Issuance of Public Policy Guidelines on the Electricity Industry (Document No.40)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to  issue new  guidelines abolishing the guide lines issued in 2009 under section 5 of Sri Lanka Electricity Act No. 20 of 2009


    1. Economic Use of electricity to handle the current scarcity (Document No..41) The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to make aware the public on steps to be taken with respect to economic use of electricity during the period of next three months.
    2. Formalized and Accelerated transferring of stamp fees received as Court Fines and Land Transfers (Document No.42)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Wajira Abeywardhane, Minister of internal& Home Affairs and Provincial Council & Local Government to gazette the bill prepared to revise section 19 of Provincial Council Act No 42 of 1987 and present it to the parliament consequently.

    1. Conservation of the catchment area of Nanawala Dola Water Source in Ratnapura (Document No. 51)

    This  land is assigned to Urban Development Authority  presently. With the intention of conservation, the Cabinet of Ministers approves the proposal presented by Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development to transfer this land to the Department of Agrarian Development.

    1. A housing Project designed for Middle Income Professionals in Rajagiriya Seramonial Drive Area (Document No 53)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approves the proposal presented by Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development to implement a housing project consist of 177 houses and other facilities under Govt.–Private partnership basis.


    1. Memorandum of Understanding between Sri Lanka and Pakistan on exchanging Sugarcane Breeding Materials (Document No. 54)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Naween Dissanayake, Minister of Plantation Industries to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between Sri Lanka Sugarcane Research Institute , Sugarcane Development Board and Sugarcane Research Institute in Faisalabad, Pakistan

    1. Rehabilitation and improvement of priority roads (Document No.57)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Kabeer Hasheem, Minister of Highways and Road Development to rehabilitate and improve additional roads under priority basis, using the balance of USD 16.8 million that left by the Priority Road Project implemented under the MOU with Chinese Development Bank.

    1. Development of Courts Complex in Gatambe- Kandy (Document No.67)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approves the proposal presented by Hon. Thalatha Athukorala, Minister of Justice and Prison Reforms to develop the Court Complex in Gatambe, Kandy by Sri Lanka State Engineering Corporation with an investment of Rs. 303.5 million.

    1. Re enactment of the Sri Lanka Prescription (Special Provisions) Act , No 05 of 2016 allowing judicial actions concerning the properties owned by the victims of conflicts  (Document No 68)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Thalatha Athukorala, Minister of Justice and Prison Reforms to draft bills to re enact the Sri Lanka Prescription (Special Provision) Act No 05 of 2016 in order to extend the validity period of the act for further 3 years.

    1. Providing Relief for students who are institutionalized through the school under 13 year certified Education Program (Document No. 70)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, Minister of Education to provide an allowance of Rs. 500/- for the students institutionalized through Schools.


    1. Timely updating the "Wakf" Act No 33 of 1982 (Document No.71)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. M.H.M.Haleem, Minister of Postal Services and Muslim Religious Affairs to appoint an expert committee to consider necessary amendments for timely updating of the "Wakaf" Act No 33 of 1982.

    1. Construction of Boralanda Swimming Pool (Document No.72)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Hareen Fernando, Minister of Telecommunications, Foreign Employment and Sports to implement the project for constructing 25 meter long, 06 lane Swimming Pool in Boralanda Police Training School land with Rs.50 million investment.

    1. Implementation of a Trade Adjustment Program to  gain benefits of International Free Trade (Document No.75)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the combined proposal presented by Hon.Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Hon. Malik Samrarawickrama, Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade to establish a Trade and Productive Commission and a Combined Regulatory Committee as Independent Institutions to carry out this adjustment Program effectively.

    1. Phase 2 and 3 constructions of the building for Faculty of Technology in Rajarata  University (Document No.80)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauff Hakeem, Minister of  City Planning,  Water Supply and Higher Education to award the construction contract of 2nd and 3rd phase of proposed  building  to Engineering Services Pvt.Ltd for Rs.356.3 million.

    1. Agreements with investors with respect to 03 Grid Substations in Mahiyanganaya, Vavunia and EMbilipitiya (Document No.82)

    Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to enter into power purchase agreements with  selected investors with respect to Mahiyanganaya, Vavuniyawa and Embilipitiya Grid Sub stations.

    1. Purchasing Coal for the Coal Power Station Puttalama (Document No.83)

     Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayake, Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to purchase 300,000 Metric Tons of Coal from M/s Adani Global Pte. Lte at a price of USD 81.7 per 1 MT.


    1. Water supply Projects in Bathalayaya, Belagan wewa and Giranduru kotte areas in Uva Province (Document No.85)


    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Wajira Abeywardhana, Minister of Internal and Inland Affairs and Provincial Council & Local Government to award the contract for extending water pipelines  in Bathalayaya and Belaganwewa area and developing Water Treatment plant and building water In gate in Giranduru Kotte, to Squire Mech Engineering Pvt .Ltd

    1. Purchasing of a Dredger Machine (TSHD) for deep sea sand mining (Document No. 86)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development to purchase a Dredger Machine (TSHD) for deep-sea sand mining.

    1. Procurement of Fertilizer for the Month of May 2019 (Document No.87)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Resources Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development to purchase 8,000 MT of Urea at the rate of USD 302.54 per 1 MT ,  8,900 MT Muriate of Potash at the rate of  USD 343.74 per 1 MT and 2,000 MT of Muriate of Potash (Red/Pink) at the rate of USD 343.74 per 1 MT from Valency International Trading  Pvt. Ltd.


    1. Procurement of 37 Luxury busses for Sri Lanka Transport Board under lease Basis (Document No.93)


    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.  Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation to award the contract of supplying 37 Luxury Busses to Sri Lanka Transport Board under lease basis to Softologic Automobile Pvt. Ltd.

    1. Procurement of 75 passenger compartments and 20 Flat beds for Sri Lanka Railway Service (Document No.94)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.  Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation to award the contract of purchasing 75 passenger compartments (50 feet) and 20 flat beds to PT Industri Kerete Api (PT INKA) Railway Company under the financial assistance or INdunisian Import Export Bank.


    1. An allowance for Estate workers (Document No.99)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.Naween Dissanayake, Minister of Plantation Industries on securing funds to provide Rs.50 allowance to employees in plantation companies in addition to the Rs.750/- daily wage currently agreed.

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