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    Decisions Taken by Cabinet of Ministers on its meeting held on 30.04.2019 Featured

    May 02, 2019
    1. Nepal's Anandakuti Viharaya and Ratho Machcindranath Hindu Kovil Reconstruction Project Considering the proposal presented by Hon.Gamini Jayawickrama Perera , Minister of Buddhasasana and Wayamba Development the Cabinet of Ministers approved to provide additional provisions of Rs 114 Million to complete proposed  Anandakuti Viharaya and Ratho Machcindranath Hindu Kovil  reconstruction project .
    1. Assigning the administration Power concerning Excise (Special Provisions) Act No 13 of 1989 to the Director General of Customs.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance to  amend Excise (Special Provisions) Act No. 13 of 1989 assigning the administrative powers to the Director General of Customs.


    1. Providing 5000 million funds  to construct 17 story building for Medical Faculty of the University of Colombo.

    Bank of Ceylon has agreed to grant Rs.5000 million for this construction  and the Cabinet of Ministers approved proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance to provide facilities in this regard.  


    1. Settlement of areas bonds with respect to financial year 2018

    Settlement of payments concerning Development Programs implemented by the Government in 2018 has been delayed and the Cabinet of Ministers approved proposal presented by Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance to provide funds to settle these due bonds.


    1. Additional financial provisions for Janatha Estate Development Board and State Plantation Corporation

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.Lakshman Kiriella, Minister of Public Enterprise, Kandiyan Heritage and Kandy Development to  secure funds of Rs. 113 million and Rs.78 million respectively for JEDB and State Plantation Corporation  with respect to salary and allowance  payments  from April to June 2019.

    1. Facilitate the implementation of Heda Oya Multipurpose Project.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the combined proposal presented by Hon.  P Harison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Resourced Development and Irrigation and Fisheries and Water Resourced Development to establish a Task Force comprised of representatives of respective parties and establishments  and subcommittee comprised of ministers c in order to avoid practical issues of this proposed project.

    1. Multilateral Action Plan 2016-2020 to avoid Noninfectious Diseases

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rajitha Senarathne Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine to implement public awareness programs using provisions allocated for year 2019 under 2016-2020 Action plan to avoid Noninfectious Diseases.

    1. Development of District General Hospital Kalutara

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rajitha Senarathne Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine to  implement Klutara District General Hospital Development Project using an investment of Rs. 6,221 million.

    1. Restructuring the Department of Measurement Units, Standards and Services

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rishard Batheudeen, Minister of Industry & Commerce, Resettlement of Protracted Displaced Persons , Co-operative Development and Vocational Training & Skill Development to appoint a committee of experts to study this issue and provide necessary recommendations.

    1. Maintain Port City Premises as a Special Zone

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development to establish a Property Management Company empowered to manage and maintain the port city.

    1. Agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka, CHEC Port City Colombo Company and China Development Bank on Colombo Port City Development Project

    Already there is a tripartite agreement among these parties. In accordance with the provisions of this agreement Sri Lankan Government should support  CHEC Port City Colombo (Private) Company to enter in to loan agreements.  The company has planned to obtain a long-term loan facility from China Development bank and the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development to  sign this tripartite agreement.

    1. Memorandum of Understanding between Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka and Michigan State University

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.Naween Dissanayake, Minister of Plantation Industries to enter in to a Memorandum of Understanding with Michigan State University on Educational Co operation facilitating and developing the process of Education, Research and Expansion.

    1. Revision of total cost estimate of Thalpitigala Reservoir Project.

    The Cabinet of Ministers has approved to implement this project under USD.174 million total estimated costs. It has been estimated that another Rs. 7,227 million is required for respective taxes, Environmental Development, Land Acquisitions, Compensations, resettlements and infrastructure facilities. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development and Fisheries  and Aquatic Resources Development to revise the total estimated cost as USD. 174 million and Rs/ 7,227 million as Local Cost.


    1. Program to Reduce Climate Disasters.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development and Fisheries  and Aquatic Resources and  Hon .Ranjith Madduma Bandara to implement this multilateral project in three phases within a period of 8-10 years with USD  790 million Investment.

    1. Construction of Flats in Berewewa Developed Area

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Sajith Premadasa , Minister of Housing and Constructions to acquire lands to National Housing Development Authority and  secure other facilities to implement a project to build flats using  83 Perch  land in Berewewa area.

    1. Preparation of National Building Code

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the combined proposal presented by Hon. Sajith Premadasa Minister of Housing , Development and Cultural Affairs  and Hon. Ranjith Madduma Bandara, Minister of Public Administration and Disaster Management to prepare a " National Building Code" with the participation of respective parties.

    1. Presenting  the Construction Industries Boards Bill to the parliament.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Sajith Premadasa Minister of Housing , Development and Cultural Affairs to present the Sri Lanka Construction Industries Boards (Incorporation) Bill to the parliament as a Private Member's Bill.

    1. Revision of Acts to Define "Child" and "Young Person"

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon . Thalata Athukorala , Minister of Justice and Prison Reforms to  amend the Children and Young Persons Ordinance to define" a Child"  as a person below 18 years in age and to amend Youthful Offenders (Training School) Ordinance to define "a Young Person " as a person between 18 and 20 in age.

    1. Establish a New Mix National School in Mirigama Area for Trilingual Education.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Akila Wiraj Kariyawasam, Minister of Education to establish a School for Trilingual Education in 20 Acre Land named Dansalewatta in Minuwangoda.

    1. Computer Facilities for Schools

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. . Akila Wiraj Kariyawasam, Minister of Education to secure funds to purchase 160,000 Laptops for Secondary Schools.

    1. Construction  of Temperature Controlled Warehouse in 

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president Maithreepala Sirisena on behalf of Non Cabinet Minister of  Economic Reforms and Public Distribution to  complete  remaining works of this project by the same contractor  M/s SAW Engineerign (PVT) LTD abd LQ Import Export (PVT) Ltd   Joint Venture, for Rs 225 million.

    1. Improving Student Facilities in Uwa Wellassa and  Ruhunu Universities.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauff Hakeem Minister of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education to award contract for the constriction of  Library Building in Uwa Wellassa University to Darinton Constructions Private Ltd. for Rs 384.2 million and  contract  of constructing three story Lecture Hall Building with furniture in University of Ruhuna to Central Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd.  for Rs.337.8 million and contract for the construction of  fully equipped Southern Centre of the University of Ruhuna  to Central Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd for Rs. 436.3 million.


    1. Development of Infrastructure Facilities  in Mannar and Nawalapitiya Institutes of Advanced Technical Education

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauff Hakeem Minister of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education to allocate  Rs. 1,208 million funds to implement proposed projects to improve infrastructure facilities of these  Institutes of Advance Technical Education.

    1. Complete the constructions of new building constructed for District Secretariat Kegalle.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Wajira Abeywardhana, Minister of Internal and Home Affairs and Provincial Council and Local Government to complete respective constructions and to further constructions and installations of equipments get done by the State Engineering  Corporation .

    1. Construction of New Five Story Building for Ja-Ela Divisional Secretariat

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Wajira Abeywardhana, Minister of Internal and Home Affairs and Provincial Council and Local Government to increase  the total cost estimate of this project to Rs 190.7 million and to provide other facilities accordingly.

    1. Procurement of Consulting  Services for Thalpitigala  Reservoir

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison Minister of  Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs , Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development to award the consulting contract of this project To Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau for  Rs 333 million.

    1.  Introducing New Act to Eliminate Bribery or Corruption. 

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the President Maithreepala Sirisena to draft a one combined Act  instead of Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption  New Act,  Amendment Act for Bribery Act,  Amendment Act  concerning the law to declare  assets and Liabilities

    1. Increasing the minimum salary of Private Sector Employees

    The Cabinet of Ministers approves proposal presented by H.E. The President Maithreepala Sirisena, on behalf of Non Cabinet Minister of Labour and Trade Union to  amend  the National Minimum Wage of Workers Act No 03 of  2016 in order to increase the salary of  Private Sector.

    1. Presenting the Annual Report 2018 o Sri Lanka Parliament.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Iran Wickramarathane, Acting Minister of Finance to present 2018 annual report to the parliament.

    1. Confirmation of the Security of Airline Passengers

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Arjuna Ranatunaga , Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation to purchase modern equipments  to check passenger goods and baggage. 


    1. Proposals to Upgrade the Industry of Tourism

    The Cabinet of Ministers decided to  appoint a committee  comprised with five ministers and chaired by the Minister of Tourism Development, Wildlife and Christian Religious Affairs to study  the situation  after unfortunate incidents happened on past Easter Sunday   and  present their recommendations to  upgrade the tourism.


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