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    Cabinet Decision taken on 2019-09-24 Featured

    September 27, 2019


    1 Amending the National Minimum Wage of Workers Act, No.3 of 2016 enabling to increase the existing Minimum National Wage.

    In terms of the National Minimum Wage of Workers Act, No.3 of 2016, a National minimum monthly salary of Rs.10,000/- (Rs.400x25) and the national minimum daily wage of Rs. 400/- (Rs.50x8) had been prescribed with effect from the 01st of January 2016. Considering the increasing cost of living, the approval of the Cabinet has been granted previously to amend section 3 of the said Act enabling to increase the existing national minimum wage of Rs. 10,000/- by Rs. 2,500/- up to Rs.12,500/- and the national minimum daily wage of Rs. 400/- by Rs.100/- up to Rs.500/-. Accordingly, the proposal made by H.E. the President at the request of the Non Cabinet Minister of Labour and Trade Union Relations to publish the draft Bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman amending section 3 of the National Minimum Wage of Workers Act, No.3 of 2016 in the Government Gazette and subsequently, present it in Parliament for approval, was approved by the Cabinet.
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    2. Strengthening of the Operational Affairs of National Security

    - Consequent to the series of terrorist attacks by the religious extremists on the 21st of April, 2019, the necessity of further strengthening the existing institutional structure to ensure security operations strictly to meet the challenges posed to national security has been identified. Accordingly, the proposal made by H.E. the President to instruct the Legal Draftsman to make legislation, to establish the National Security Council, instituted in 1999 under the Public Security Ordinance and the newly proposed National Security Advisory Committee, the National Security Council Secretariat and the Experts Committees on National Security (Economic, International Affairs, Social and Religious, Research and Analysis, Scientific and Technological and Strategic Management) to be established by an Act of Parliament, was approved by the Cabinet.
    Provision of Salary and Allowances paid to the Members of the Tri-forces and the Police who died or became disabled directly due to Terrorist activities or activities done for the prevention of same, while on duty, in operational areas or in areas not nominated as operational areas, during the conflict period, until the completion of 55 years of age and to the dependents of the deceased members for their lifetime and to the disabled member for his lifetime

    3.Provision of Salary and Allowances paid to the Members of the Tri-forces and the Police who died or became disabled directly due to Terrorist activities or activities done for the prevention of same, while on duty, in operational areas or in areas not nominated as operational areas, during the conflict period, until the completion of 55 years of age and to the dependents of the deceased members for their lifetime and to the disabled member for his lifetime

    4Amendments to the National Gem and Jewellery Authority Act, No.50 of 1993

    - The proposal made by the Minister of Defence, in accordance with the recommendations made by the Officials' Committee under the Chairmanship of an Additional Secretary to the Ministry in charge of the subject of Public Administration and appointed by the Cabinet to study the relevant matter and make recommendations, to provide further relief in addition to the benefits already received by the members of the Tri forces and the Police who died or became disabled directly due to terrorist activities or activities done for the prevention of same, while on duty, in operational areas or in areas not nominated as operational areas, during the conflict period, was approved by the Cabinet.

    5Vesting of the Sri Jayewardenepura National School of Nursing with the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Colombo.

    - A Faculty of Nursing affiliated to the University of Colombo has been commenced in the year 2018, using the buildings of the Sri Jayewardenepura National School of Nursing with a view to enhancing the quality of nursing education up to a degree level and creating nursing professionals with high competency at a globally competitive level. Accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education, to vest the buildings and the assets belonging to the said nurses training school, its staff administered by the Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine and the land where the relevant buildings are situated and belonging to the Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital, with the University of Colombo through the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education, for the use of the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Colombo, was approved by the Cabinet.

    6 Expansion of the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant
    - Considering the fact that the building of a new power plant as an extension of the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant is in conformity with the policy of the future electricity generation mix of Sri Lanka and the Long Term Generation Expansion Plan approved for 2018-2037 by the Public Utility Commission of Sri Lanka, which was approved by the Cabinet previously, the proposal made by the Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development, to build the 04th power plant unit with a capacity of 300 MW as an extension of the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant within the same premises, was approved by the Cabinet.
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    7 Drafting an identical Act for the Ceylon Fishery Harbours Corporation

    - The proposal made by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development, to draft a new Parliamentary Act identical to the Ceylon Fishing Harbour Corporation by the Legal Draftsman with a view to making the said organization to generate and income sufficient for self existence and to be profitable through strengthening the same legally and increasing the income generation capability, was approved by the Cabinet
    Construction of a new building to establish the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development

    8. Construction of a new building to establish the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development
    - The proposal made by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development, to construct a storey building in the land called 'Ambalangodella' belonging to the said Ministry, in extent of approximately 6 acres adjacent to the Ministry of Lands and Parliamentary Reforms, to house the offices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development situated in Colombo including the Department of Agrarian Development under one roof as 'Govijana Mandiraya', was approved by the Cabinet.

    9.Establishment of the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System Regional Hub for the South Asian Region

    - The approval of the Cabinet has been granted previously, to establish the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System Regional Hub for the South Asian Region in the premises of the Department of Meteorology. However, the matters submitted by the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development and the Minister of Public Administration, Disaster Management and Rural Economic Affairs to the effect that it has been planned to establish the proposed regional hub in the Irrigation Department premises due to space and financial constraints, was noted by the Cabinet

    10 Payment of a special allowance to the Executive Officers of the Public Service

    - A Cabinet Sub-Committee was appointed by the Cabinet at its meeting held on 26th of March 2019, under the Chairmanship of the Minister of Public Administration, Disaster Management and Livestock Development and the membership of the Minister of Megapolis & Western Development and the Minister of Highways & Road Development and Petroleum Resources Development, to study the recommendations made by the National Salaries and Cadres Commission in relevance to the payment of a special allowance to the Executive Officers of the Public Service and submit a Report to the Cabinet. The recommendations submitted by the said Sub Committee were taken into consideration by the Cabinet. Further, the Cabinet took into consideration that the Cabinet has granted approval to implement 50% out of the increase of salaries in the Public Service recommended by the Report of the Special Commission on reviewing the salaries of the Public Sector appointed by H.E. the President, with effect from 01st of July 2020 and the balance 50 % increase with effect from 01st of January 2021, at its meeting held on the 10th of September 2019. Accordingly, with a view to providing relief to the entire Public Service, the Cabinet approved to grant 50% out of the salary increase recommended by the Special Commission on reviewing the salaries of the Public Sector with effect from 01st of January 2020.

    11 Drafting the new Education Bill

    - The legal basis of the present education system is the Education Ordinance No.31 of 1939 and the subsequent amendments and Special Acts. Most of the provisions included in these Acts are now obsolete and therefore, with a view to updating the Acts, the draft made in a proposed framework by the Ministry of Education, having considered the written and oral suggestions made by the stakeholders in the education sector and various other fields could be taken into consideration for the preparation of the new Education Bill. As such, it was decided by the Cabinet to appoint a Committee of Experts comprising of the representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Women & Child Affairs and Dry Zone Development, the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Policies, Economic Affairs, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Northern Province Development and Youth Affairs, University Grants Commission, Department of National Planning, National Education Commission and private sector educational institutes, to review the new Education Bill and to make recommendations.


    12 Drafting the new Education Bill

    - The legal basis of the present education system is the Education Ordinance No.31 of 1939 and the subsequent amendments and Special Acts. Most of the provisions included in these Acts are now obsolete and therefore, with a view to updating the Acts, the draft made in a proposed framework by the Ministry of Education, having considered the written and oral suggestions made by the stakeholders in the education sector and various other fields could be taken into consideration for the preparation of the new Education Bill. As such, it was decided by the Cabinet to appoint a Committee of Experts comprising of the representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Women & Child Affairs and Dry Zone Development, the Ministry of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Policies, Economic Affairs, Resettlement & Rehabilitation, Northern Province Development and Youth Affairs, University Grants Commission, Department of National Planning, National Education Commission and private sector educational institutes, to review the new Education Bill and to make recommendations.


    13 Presenting of the Regulations made by the Minister of Sports under Section 41 of the Sports Act, No.25 of 1973 in Parliament
    - The Gazette (Extraordinary) Notification No.2137/86 dated 2019 08 23 and the Gazette (Extraordinary) Notification No.2137/85 dated 2019 08 23 have been issued to achieve the objective of hearing the appeals related to the elections pertaining to National Sports Associations, in an orderly and a convenient manner and appointing more suitable persons for sports administration. Accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of Telecommunication, Foreign Employment and Sports, to present the above two Gazette Notifications in Parliament for approval, was approved by the Cabinet.



    14 Construction of the Sangilipalama Rural Water Supply Scheme in the Nuwara Eliya District

    - The objective of the Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (2015 2020) is to improve supply of pipe born water and sanitation facilities focusing 540 Grama Niladhari Divisions in the selected 07 districts of Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi, Badulla, Moneragala, Ratnapura, Kegalle and Nuwara Eliya which do not have safe drinking water facilities. Accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education to award the contract for the construction of the Sangilipalama Rural Water Supply Scheme which is implemented, as a part of the project to provide safe drinking water to 14 Grama Niladhari Divisions and to benefit 3050 households by 2039 in the Kotmale District Secretariat Division, to M/s Q SJV (Qingdao Savinda JV) as recommended by the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee, was approved by the Cabinet.


    15 Procurement of Fertilizer 2019 - (October)

    - The proposal made by the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development, to obtain covering approval to procure 2,000 MTs of Urea at US$ 299.50 per MT from M/s Agri Commodities & Finance and 8,500 MTs of Muriate of Potash at US$ 349.43 per MT from M/s Agricultural Resources & Investment Pte. Ltd., as recommended by the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee in order to fulfill the fertilizer requirement of the Ceylon Fertilizer Company Limited and the Colombo Commercial Fertilizer Company Limited for the month of October, was approved by the Cabinet.

    16 Landslide Countermeasures at six road sites in Sabaragamuwa and Uva Provinces for the Landslide Disaster Protection Project - Package 02

    - The proposal made by the Minister of Highways & Road Development and Petroleum Resources Development to revise the original contract price of Landslide Countermeasures at six road sites in Sabaragamuwa and Uva Provinces under the Road Disaster Management Package 02 and to award the contract for the construction of Landslide Countermeasures in the identified locations at Ambepussa, Haputhale, Bandarawela, Uduwara and Ella to the current contractor, RR- Soltec Joint Venture, was approved by the Cabinet.

    17 'Reconstruction of 25 Bridges Project' funded by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) - Procurement of Contractor for Civil Works

    - It has been planned to reconstruct 09 dilapidated and narrow bridges in the national road network of the Sabaragamuwa province under the package 02 of the 'Reconstruction of 25 Bridges Project' funded by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED). As such, the proposal made by the Minister of Highways & Road Development and Petroleum Resources Development, to award the contract for the reconstruction of 05 bridges in the Dehiowita - Deraniyagala road, 02 bridges in the Galigamuwa - Ruwanwella road and 01 bridge each in the Kegalle - Bulathkohupitiya road and Mawanella - Hemmathagama road, to M/s ELS Construction (Pvt).,Ltd, to a sum of Rs 1289.76 million, as recommended by the Standing Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee, was approved by the Cabinet.


    18 Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Explosive Detection Systems for the Cabin Baggage (EDSCB) at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA)

    - X-Ray Cabin Baggage Screening Machines utilized to inspect the cabin baggage in the boarding gates at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) have been installed there since 2004 and breakdown of any of the said machines could lead to flight delays. Therefore, the proposal made by the Minister of Transport & Civil Aviation to commence the relevant purchasing to replace the the existing old Cabin Baggage X-ray machines with state of art X- ray machines of Computer Tomography for explosive detection and related security requirements, to ensure the aviation security standards, under the provisions of the emergency procurement utilizing the funds available for the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka, was approved by the Cabinet.

    19 Procurement of Additional Ship to Shore (STS) Crane for Sri lanka Ports Authority

    - Approval of the Cabinet has been granted previously to award the contract for the supply, installation and commissioning of 03 Ships to Shore Cranes at the Jaya Container Terminals stage V Container quay to M/s Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd,. Accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of Ports & Shipping and Southern Development to award the contract for the procurement of an additional Ship to Shore Crane to M/s Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries on the same terms and conditions and payment method of the above contract, following the Repeat Order Procurement method of the Government Procurement Guidelines 2006, as recommended by the Cabinet.

    Last modified on Friday, 27 September 2019 14:06

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