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    Cabinet Decisions- 01.11.2021 Featured

    November 02, 2021

    Decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 01.11.2021

    1. Memorandum of Understanding between General Sir John Kothalawala Defense University and the Duke University of the United States of America.

    Melioidosis spread due to a bacterium is a common disease apparent in tropical countries throughout the world. It has been proposed for a research partnership between General Sir John Kothalawala Defense University and the Duke University of the United States of America so that pre – diagnosis of the disease within this country, to recognize it and to control it will be made. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by His Excellency the President as the Minister of Defense for entering into a sub – awarding contract between the two parties for implementing the proposed research project and into an agreement of exchanging materials.

    2. Implementation of a concessionary loan scheme with the objective of escalating the production and export through intensifying shrimp farming.

    Sri Lanka National Aquaculture Development Authority (NAQDA) has planned to escalate the local shrimp production which was approximately 8,000 metric tons in the year 2020 by 50,000 metric tons by the year 2025. The Vannamei shrimp farming has been introduced with the objective of escalating the shrimp production in the years 2019 and 2020. These shrimp farming generates higher harvest due to accelerated speed of their growth, decreased probability of being exposed to diseases and capability to farm under higher stocking density when farming / growing within ponds. Further to that, this species of shrimps can be grown under three seasons
    during one year. However, it is also essential to modify the traditional mud ponds with heavy density Polyethylene cover in order to extract and remove the higher amount of organic waste stagnated within the pond due to operating this farm under higher density. Moreover, it is important to increase the storing capacity for export of
    the shrimp harvest that is increased parallel to this as well as to modify the shrimp processing centres for processing value added productions with modern technology. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Minister of Fisheries to implement a concessionary loan scheme across the state banks for financing the required capital with the objective of encouraging the shrimp farmers for Vannamei shrimp farming.


    3. General Policy Guidelines related to the electricity industry.

    Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted at their meeting held on the 13 th September 2021 to obtain 70% of the electricity generation from renewable energy by
    the year 2030, not to establish new coal power generation plants in the future, and to neutralize the net Carbon emissions during the power generation by the year 2050. Where as it has been decided at the same meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers that “General Policy Guidelines” for the electricity industry should be released in par with the said decision of the Cabinet of Ministers while Ceylon Electricity Board shall formulate the minimum cost long – term generation plan applicable to the period 2022 – 2041 as per the said guidelines. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the ‘General Policy Guidelines for the Electricity Industry’ prepared subject to section 5 of Sri Lanka Electricity Act No. 20 of 2009 as per the resolution tabled by the Minister of Electricity and to table the said guidelines in the Parliament.


    4. Granting a land in Thalapathpitiya belonging to the Urban Development

    Authority on lease basis for the implementation of a mixed development project. Cabinet approval has been granted on 2020.10.19 to call for proposals for the implementation of a mixed development project on a 2-acre 6.32 perch land in Thalapathpitiya belonging to the Urban Development Authority. Accordingly, proposals have been invited from investors on a competitive basis to implement the proposed project on the basis of design, construction, financing, directing, and transfer. The proposal made by International Constructions Consortium (Pvt) Ltd. was recommended by the Cabinet Appointed Standing Negotiation Committee. The recommendation has also been approved by the Management Board of the Urban Development Authority. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal made by the Prime Minister in his capacity as the Minister of Urban Development and Housing to lease the relevant land to the International Constructions Consortium (Pvt) Ltd on a long-term lease basis for the implementation of the said project.

    5. Use of warehouses / buildings belonging to the Co-operative Wholesale Corporation for productive purposes

    The warehouse / building premises belonging to the Co-operative Wholesale Corporation are leased out to government agencies as well as the private sector. The Board of Directors of CWE has proposed to lease out the warehouse / building premises belonging to the Corporation that are no longer used by the corporation to private companies on short term lease basis following the Government Procurement Process. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Trade to lease out the aforesaid warehouse / building premises to private entities on rent basis based on the appraised value of the Chief Government Assessor and to grant such warehouse / building premises suitable for public-private partnership investment projects on long term lease basis by calling for expressions of aspirations.


    6. Obtaining direct services from Semi-Government agencies for projects identified under the “Wari Saubhagya” program.

    Rehabilitation of 5,000 reservoirs under the "Wari Saubhagya Program" began this year to further stabilize the country's agricultural economy and thereby strengthen rural life. Under this program, it is planned to rehabilitate 1000 reservoirs in the year 2021. This programme is implemented by Department of Irrigation, Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority, Mahaweli Consultancy Bureau and Department of Agrarian Development. The program “Wari Saubhagya” is expected to be completed within a period of three years and it has been identified that it is advisable to seek employment in government institutions as well as semi-government institutions. Accordingly, the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Irrigation to award contracts up to Rs. 50 million for construction work under the “Wari Saubhagya” program following the direct contract awarding method to semi- government institutions namely Sri Lanka Land Development Board, state development & construction corporation, National Equipment & Machinery Organization, National Engineering Services Company, Mahaweli Consultancy Services Bureau and Maga Neguma as well.

    7. Eppawala – Giribawa Water Supply Project

    Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 30th November, 2020 for the implementation of the Rajanganaya – Nochchiyagama Project Component of the Eppawala, Rajanganaya, Nochchiyagama and Giribawa combined Water Supply project under the local funds
    and for the implementation of the Eppawala – Giribawa project upon the project proposal submitted by the M/s LR Group of Israel and SBI International Holding of AG of Switzerland - JV. Accordingly, the proposal tabled by the Minister of Water Supply to award the contract to implement the Eppawala – Giribawa Water Supply
    Scheme to the M/s LR Group of Israel and SBI International Holding of AG of Switzerland - JV an amount of US Dollar 162.66 million as per the recommendations of the Standing Cabinet Appointed Negotiating Committee, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    8. Submitting the regulations issued under the Import and Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 for approval of the Parliament.

    In order to regulate the import of boats and vessels, it has been decided to subject them to import control licensing system and a license fee. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal made by the Minister of Finance to submit the Regulations published in the Gazette Notification dated 12th October 2021 under the Import and Export (Control) Act No. 1 of 1969 to the Parliament for approval.


    9. The Schedule to resume the postponed examinations due to the Covid -19 pandemic.

    Six months after the covid-19 pandemic in 2021, schools were fully reopened to the grade 5 students on 25th October, 2021 and General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) and General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) classes of the schools are scheduled to be opened the schools from 8th November, 2021. Accordingly, the students who are scheduled to sit for the examinations should be given sufficient time to complete their studies after the opening of the schools. Taking these factors into consideration, the Cabinet of Ministers agreed to the revised schedule for conducting the scheduled examinations for the year 2021 submitted by the Minister of Education.

    • Grade 5 Scholarship Examination
    Saturday, 22nd January, 2022
    • General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level)
    From Monday, 07th February, 2022 to Saturday, 05th March, 2022
    • General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level)
    From Monday, 23rd May, 2022 to Wednesday, 01st June, 2022

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