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     Cabinet Decisions- 14.02.2022 Featured

    February 15, 2022

     Decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 14.02.2022

    1. Research partnerships between the University of Sri Jayawardhanapura and the Texas A & M
    University of the United States of America.

    It has been proposed to enter into an agreement of material exchange and the research for studying
    the relationship between University of Sri Jayawardhanapura and the Texas A & M University of the
    United States of America to study clinical symptoms and the bio - chemical profile of Autism. The
    objective of this agreement is to confirm clinical features and the relationship between metabolic and
    chemical constituents of blood and urine as well as establishment of research cooperation with the
    objective of precise requirements and expectations of each party. Accordingly, the Cabinet of
    Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Education to sign the proposed


    02. Household safeguard programme (Sahana Malla /the relief pack/)

    Allocations have been made by the national budget proposals 2022 to implement broad household
    economic development national programmes. One of those programmes is identified as the Sahana
    Malla (the relief pack) project. Under this programme 40 low income families per each Grama
    Niladhari division will be selected subject to special criteria and the recommendation of the relevant
    Divisional Secretary and will be issued a digital card to the beneficiary family to buy goods to the
    value of Rs. 2,000/- while opportunity will be given to purchase essential food and other commodities
    locally manufactured from home shops aimed at the women entrepreneurs implemented under the
    household economic development national programme. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    approved the proposal submitted to them by the Minister of Trade for taking steps to implement the
    said programme.

    03. Establishment of a cluster / network of home shops for women enterprises.


    A provision of rupees 15,000 million has been allocated from the budget 2022 for the programme to
    establish a home shop network for the women entrepreneurs, with the objective of creating ‘one
    women entrepreneur to one village’ through supporting to supply the entrepreneurship guidance and
    the initial capital across identifying the women entrepreneurs prefer entrepreneurship in rural family
    units. Necessary guidance to identify relevant entrepreneurs will be done by the Divisional
    Secretaries followed by the guidance of the regional development committee subject to the
    instructions of the task force to eradicate poverty. The selected female entrepreneur will be able to
    reserve a space of 200 - 400 square feet of building space either from their home space or renovating
    their home or by getting the Road Development Authority or the National Housing Development
    Authority to construct the room either way. The proposed beneficiaries selected under special criteria
    of Sahana Malla (the relief pack) will be able to obtain their pack of locally manufactured food items
    and other essential commodities for an amount of Rs. 2,000/- under concessionary prices.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted to them by the Minister of
    Trade for taking steps to implement the said programme.


    04. Provision of a relief for wheat flour / all - purpose flour to the estate labourers.

    The approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been granted to the Cabinet Memorandum submitted by
    the Hon. Minister of Finance under the caption ‘Implementation of proposals to minimize economic
    constraints confronted by public’ at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on the 18th of
    January 2022. A committee headed by the Minister of Trade has issued recommendations considering
    the resolution regarding wheat flour relief to estate worker families which was among the above
    proposals. As per the recommendations, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution submitted
    by the Minister of Trade for providing 15 kg of flour for 115,867 beneficiary families on a monthly

    05. National programme on Green Sri Lanka - “Sema Ayek - Ek Pelayak” (Each One - One Plant)

    Rupees 2000 million has been allocated under the budget proposals of 2022 for implementing
    appropriate programmes to enhance the forest area / coverage with better vegetation eradicating
    invasive plant species securing the hydro - catchment areas as well as escalating the forest cover up to
    30% by 2025 securing the existing the forest cover in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, the Ministry of
    WildLife and Forest Conservation expects to implement the following projects.
    * Establishment of 200 forest villages
    * Implementation of planting programmes within schools and national institutions of
    * Establishment of herbal gardens island - wide
    * Implementation of planting programmes within religious venues.
    * Implementation of planting programmes within the banks of reservoirs, irrigation
    reserves as well as hydro catchment areas.
    * Implementation of planting programmes within the lands areas of government
    institution premises, semi - government institution premises, corporation, board and
    statutory institution premises.
    * Implementation of planting programmes within lands managed by estate companies as
    well as private owned lands.
    * Establishment of islandwide plant nurseries.
    * Implementation of a series of publicity programmes for making aware school students
    and community in regard to wildlife and forest conservation.
    * Identification of appropriate plant species for forest cultivation and implement
    research programmes joined with Universities for development.

    It is expected to implement under the patronage of district and divisional secretaries. Accordingly, the
    proposal submitted by the Minister of Wildlife and Forest Conservation to implement the said
    programme was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    6. Strengthening the activities of the Sri Lanka Climate Fund (Pvt) Ltd. which is functioning
    under the Ministry of Environment

    Nationally determined contributors to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
    have reported that the Government has taken a policy decision to make Sri Lanka a Carbon Net Zero
    country by 2050. The Climate Fund of Sri Lanka (Pvt) Ltd. that operates under the Ministry of
    Environment has been established to contribute to the work of reducing carbon emissions. The
    cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Minister of Environment to take
    necessary steps to structurally strengthen the functions and responsibilities of the company to meet
    the current requirements so that it can make the maximum contribution required to make Sri Lanka a
    carbon Net Zero country.

    7. Roadmap and Strategic Plan to Make Sri Lanka a Carbon Net Zero Country by 2050

    If a country is to reach a carbon-Net zero, it must primarily reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases
    into the atmosphere and increase its carbon dioxide-absorbing ecosystems. It has been identified the
    need to develop a roadmap and strategic plan to achieve the goal of making Sri Lanka a carbon-zero
    country by 2050. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.
    Minister of Environment to design a road map that is revised every 05 years after reviewing the
    progress and to formulate a five year strategic plan and to appoint a committee of experts to do so.


    8. Integration of non-motorized transport with the Sri Lankan transport system

    The current number of active vehicles in Sri Lanka is over 5 million, more than three times the year
    2000. This is due to the increase in the import of private vehicles such as cars, motorcycles and three
    wheelers. Also, there is a tendency to use private vehicles due to rising income levels and difficulties
    in using existing public transport services. The rapid growth in private car use has led to a decline in
    the contribution of non-motorized modes of transport. The use of non-motorized transport has a
    positive effect on reducing air pollution as well as on health, air quality, environment, climate change
    and personal finances. Therefore, it has been identified that non-motor systems should be integrated
    with existing transport systems to maximize economic and environmental benefits. Accordingly,
    taking into consideration the submissions made by the Minister of Environment, the relevant
    Ministries and Institutions agreed to take the following steps under a joint approach.
     Marking of bicycle lanes suitable for existing roads and upgrading of existing pedestrian
     Steps to include bicycle and pedestrian lanes for future roads
     Taking necessary measures to encourage the use of bicycles for the staff of government

     Providing necessary facilities for office cyclists including parking and access.


    9. Procurement of a Purchase Order System (POS) for consumer outlets in Multi Purposes co-
    operative societies

    National Competitive Bidding has been invites for the procurement of a Purchase Order System
    (POS) for consumer outlets in Multi Purposes co-operative societies. Five bids have been submitted
    and on the recommendation of the Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee cabinet of ministers
    approved proposal presented by the Minister of Trade proposed to award the same procurement to
    Evis Solution Pvt.

    10. Procurement of Tie-type surgical face masks

    International competitive bidding has been invited to procure 89 million ligament type surgical face
    masks. In accordance with the recommendation of Cabinet Appointed Standing Procurement
    Committee the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of health to
    award the relevant procurement to Sisili Projects Consortium, the lowest bidder company which
    responded primarily by the Committee and to procure 30 million face masks initially as
    recommended by the procurement Committee

    11. Regulating the release of essential food items to the market

    The Cabinet of Ministers decided to approve the measures taken by H.E. the President to appoint a
    committee comprising following members to make the necessary policy recommendations and
    solutions to ensure that essential consumer goods are supplied to the market without shortage.
     Minister of Finance – Chairman
     Minister of Trade
     Minister of Agriculture
     Minister of Ports and Shipping
     State Minister of Co-Operative Services, Marketing Development and Consumer Protection
     State Minister of Ornamental Fish, Inland Fish & Prawn Farming, Fishery Harbour
    Development, Multiday Fishing and Fish Exports
     State Minister of Livestock, Farm Promotion and Dairy and Egg Related Industries.


    12. Importing essential food items, raw materials required for export oriented industries and
    industrial goods
    Cabinet Memorandum "Economy 2022 and the way forward" presented by the Minister of Finance
    was taken up for discussion on 03.01.2022. The Cabinet considered the need to identify alternative
    methods for importing essential food items, raw materials required for export-oriented industries and
    industrial goods. It was decided to agree on the measures taken by the President to appoint the
    following Cabinet Sub-Committees to discuss with the countries importing the goods.

    a. Peoples’ Republic of China
     Minister of Foreign Affairs – Chairman
     Minister of Trade
     Minister of Industries
     Minister of Plantation
    b. Government of Japan
     Minister of Foreign Affairs – Chairman
     Minister of Health
     Minister of Mass Media
     Minister of Highways
    c. Middle East Countries
     Minister of Foreign Affairs – Chairman
     Minister of Youth, Sports and Development Coordination and Supervision
     Minister of Justice

    13. False information regarding the imposition of surcharges on the Employees Provident Fund
    and the Employee's Trust Fund

    The Minister of Finance informed that the Employees Provident Fund and the Employees  Trust Fund
    are not included in the 2022 budget proposal regarding the imposition of a 25% surcharge on
    individuals and companies with a net profit of over Rs. 2000 million for the year 2021. He further
    said the protests by some parties in this regard are baseless.






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