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    Cabinet Decisions- 27.06.2022 Featured

    June 28, 2022

    Decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on the 27.06.2022


    1. The programme for a democratic, prosperous Sri Lanka with the ability to survive
    amidst disasters.

    Two agreements have been signed between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Government of
    the United States of America in the year 2011 in order to supply funds for the projects namely
    ‘The programme to strengthen the cooperation for democratic good governance and social
    integrity’ and ‘Programme to create a sustainable and covered economic development’ whereas
    the two programmes have been implemented. It has been proposed to sign a new agreement for
    implementation of a new programme for financing United States Dollars 57 million by the United
    States Agency for International Development (USAID) and named “The Programme for a
    Democratic, Prosperous Sri Lanka with the Ability to Survive Amidst Disasters” until the year
    2026, paying the preliminary attention on the fields of productive democratic governance,
    growth based on a secure market and strengthening the resources required to sustain pressure and
    stress. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the resolution submitted by the
    Hon. Prime Minister as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stability and National Policies for
    conducting discussions for obtaining the said grant.

    2. Resumption of international operations in the International Airport of Jaffna.

    Although international operations at the international airport of Jaffna was inaugurated on the 11 th
    of November 2019 ensuring the fundamental international monitoring requirements, its
    operational activities have been suspended from 15 th March 2020 due to the COVID – 19
    pandemic circumstances prevailed during that period. The internationally and locally based
    aeronautical companies have submitted requests by now for the operation of rented air tours as
    well as time framed aeronautical flights from that Airport to South Indian destinations.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to grant their concurrence to the measures taken by
    the Minister of Ports, Naval and Aviation Services in relation to the resumption of international
    operational activities of Jaffna International Airport once again with effect from 01 st July 2022.

    3. Revision of railway transport charges.

    Sri Lanka Railway Department had adopted a concessionary payment system for passenger
    transport in terms of the state policies. However, due to the rapid price hike of fuel experienced
    recently, the recurrent loss of the Department is on the rise too. Therefore, it has become vital to
    increase the income earned by the Department in order to sustain a satisfactory railway service.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Minister of
    Transport and Highways to revise the railway charges categorized as passenger transport charges
    which had not been revised for more than five (05) years, the goods transport and postal transport
    charges which have not been revised approximately in fourteen (14) years.

    4. ‘Ekwa Wawamu – Rata Dinawamu’ (let’s cultivate together and lead the country
    towards victory) – food production national campaign – 2022

    Plans have been drawn to implement a national programme for formal and accelerated food crop
    production throughout the island with the contribution of all state and private institutions along
    with the pioneering of the Ministry of Agriculture and the participation of the Ministry of Public
    Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government, the Ministry of
    Buddha Sasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs and other ministries as an accelerated solution for
    the issue erupted regarding the food security within the country. The entire programme is
    scheduled to be implemented with the technical contribution of the Department of Agriculture and
    provincial Departments of Agriculture while the coordination of the programme will be
    supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture. Especially the Cabinet of Ministers has granted
    approval for the joint Cabinet Memorandum furnished by the Minister of Public Administration,
    Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government, the Minister of Agriculture and the
    Minister of Buddha Sasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs to implement the programme named
    ‘Ekwa Wawamu – Rata Dinawamu’ (let’s cultivate together and lead the country towards victory)
    – Food Production national campaign – 2022 utilizing the cultivatable land of approximately
    250,000 hectares under the possession of Buddhist temples and religious sites, Churches,
    Mosques and Hindu shrines.

    5. Removal of the requirement of family background report for female migrant employees.

    Several international reports published regarding the protection of women’s rights point out that
    an impact to the women’s rights occur due to the compulsory requirement of submitting “family
    background report” which is existing at present with the intention of confirming that the children
    of the female migrant employees who leave for domestic work abroad are not less than 05 years.
    In addition to that, in some instances, it has been reported that females having intention to engage
    in work abroad face inconveniences due to delaying the relevant reports due to various reasons by
    some officers although all qualifications are fulfilled. Some females who do not possess
    qualifications to submit such reports happened to set off shores by illegal means without any
    supervision and encounter numerous issues as reported. Therefore, considering the facts
    submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers by the Minister of Labour and Foreign Employments, the
    Cabinet of Ministers have decided to release the females with children of two years (02) of age or
    more from submission of the compulsory family background report that should be furnished.

    6. Revision of the Ordinance on Children and Youths.

    The Convention on the Children’s Rights defines any individual below 18 years of age as a child.
    Accordingly, approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted at their meeting held on the 16 th
    September 2020 to revise the ordinance on children and youth including the relevant provisions
    by adhering to the said convention. Accordingly, the clearance of the Attorney General has been
    granted to a draft bill formulated by the Legal Draftsman. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    has granted approval to the proposal furnished by the Minister of Legislature, Prisons Activities
    and Constitutional Reforms to publish the draft bill in the Government Gazette and submit to the
    Parliament for approval thereby.

    7. Introduction of new laws on child protection and justice.

    Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted at their meeting held on the 18 th February 2015
    for the formulation of the draft bill on child protection (judicial security) to enable establishment
    of courts that implement judicial authority for court hearings in regard to children who require
    protection and security or trial against children violating the law and implement the judicial
    authority of different forms so that courts could be established that could implement a different
    type of judicial authority. Accordingly, the preliminary draft bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman
    has been studied by two specialist committees and further proposals have been furnished.
    Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to the proposal furnished by the Minister
    of Legislature, Prisons Activities and Constitutional Reforms to instruct the Legal Draftsman to
    prepare the final draft bill including the said proposals too to the preliminary draft bill.

    8. Revision of Prevention of Fraud Ordinance.

    Considering the necessity to make certain incidental revisions even to the Prevention of Fraud
    Ordinance in concurrence with the revisions recommended to be performed to the notaries
    ordinance and the last will ordinance, it has been decided at the meeting of Cabinet of Ministers
    held on the 18 th October 2021 to instruct the Legal Draftsman to formulate a draft bill for the
    requirement. Accordingly, the clearance of the Attorney General has been granted to a draft bill
    formulated by the Legal Draftsman. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers has granted approval to
    the proposal furnished by the Minister of Legislature, Prisons Activities and Constitutional
    Reforms to publish the draft bill in the Government Gazette and submit to the Parliament for
    approval thereby.

    9. Amendments to the Powers of Attorney Ordinance

    Cabinet approval has been granted on 19.07.2021 to introduce amendments to the Powers of
    Attorney Ordinance in order to minimize fraudulent activities using bogus power of attorney and
    the illegal use of power of attorney. The clearance of the Attorney General has been received for
    the bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman and accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of
    Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms, to publish the said bill in the Government
    Gazette and thereafter present the same in Parliament for approval, was approved by the Cabinet
    of Ministers.

    10. Introducing a new law on contempt of court

    As the offence of contempt of court has not been defined in Sri Lanka, there is no clear and
    uniform procedure for hearing and adjudicating such cases. As a result it is difficult to identify the
    limits of interference in the justice process and the limits on the right to freedom of expression. It
    seems appropriate to reconsider this rule when considering cases related to contempt of court, that
    have been severely criticized recently. The Law Commission of Sri Lanka has studied the matter
    and prepared preliminary drafts with a view to introducing appropriate laws. Accordingly the
    cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs
    and Constitutional Reforms to instruct the Legal Draftsman to draft a Bill, to enact a new law
    based on the preliminary draft above.

    11. Introducing amendments to Notaries Ordinance

    Cabinet approval has been granted on 19.07.2021 to introduce amendments to the Notaries
    Ordinance to introduce new provisions to prevent illegal activities related to land fraud. The
    clearance of the Attorney General has been received for the bill prepared based on the preliminary
    bill prepared by the Notary Advisory Committee and the views of the Registrar General by the
    Legal Draftsman and accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs
    and Constitutional Reforms, to publish the said bill in the Government Gazette and thereafter
    present the same in Parliament for approval, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

    12. Amendments to the Registration of Documents Ordinance

    Cabinet approval has been granted on 19.07.2021 to introduce amendments to the Registration of
    Documents Ordinance in order to prevent illegal activities related to land frauds. The clearance of
    the Attorney General has been received for the bill prepared by the Legal Draftsman and
    accordingly, the proposal made by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional
    Reforms, to publish the said bill in the Government Gazette and thereafter present the same in
    Parliament for approval, was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

    13. The 22 nd Amendment to the Constitution.

    Policy approval of the Cabinet of Ministers has been given on 2022.06.20 for the preliminary
    draft for the 22 nd Amendment to the Constitution and the 22 nd constitutional amendment bill has
    been prepared by the legal Draftsman accordingly. The Attorney General has informed that the
    bill is in accordance with the Constitution. Consequently, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the
    proposal presented by the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms, to
    publish the 22 nd Constitutional Amendment Bill in the Government Gazette and thereafter present
    the same in Parliament for approval,

    14. Obtaining fuel on long term agreements enter into with companies established in
    petroleum producing countries

    The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation contributes around 90% of the total fuel supply to the country
    while the remaining 10% is supplied by the Ceylon Indian Oil Company. Ensuring an
    uninterrupted fuel supply to the country has become a challenge due to the current foreign
    exchange crisis in Sri Lanka. Therefore, it seems appropriate to enter into long-term agreements
    with oil companies in the oil-producing countries to enable them to import and sell fuel using
    their funds so as not to put pressure on the country's foreign exchange problem. Accordingly the
    Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Power and Energy to
    provide long term agreements with selected companies following the formal procedure, allowing
    them to import, distribute and market fuel to Sri Lanka.

    15. Identifying new suppliers to ensure a continuous supply of Jet A-1 aviation fuel

    The daily aviation fuel requirement for aircraft arriving in and departing from Sri Lanka is
    approximately 1.2 million liters. At present, the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation has failed to
    provide even the minimum amount of fuel required to maintain the operations of domestic and
    foreign airlines under the prevailing situation in the country. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers
    approved the combined proposal presented by the Minister of ports, Shipping and Aviation and
    the Minister of Power and Energy to allow the importation, supply and sale of Jet A-1 aviation
    fuel to fuel bunkers registered with the Sri Lanka Ports Authority to enable the continuation of
    aviation services.









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