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    Cabinet Decisions- 28.11.2022 Featured

    November 29, 2022

    Decisions taken at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held on 28.11.2022

    1. Entering into a memorandum of understanding between Sri Lanka Export Development
    Board and the Import Promotion Programme of Switzerland.

    It has been proposed to sign a memorandum of understanding between the Export Development
    Board of Sri Lanka and the Import Promotion Programme implemented under the Swiss State
    Secretariat for Economic Activities for conducting a detailed research in regard to processed food,
    sustainable fish and marine food and value- added garments export production. The objective of
    this proposed research / study is to expand the opportunities to gain access to our export products in
    the European market. The Import Promotion Programme of Switzerland bears a sum of Switzerland
    Franc 100,000 for this study.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Hon. President as the
    Minister of Investment Promotion to sign the proposed Memorandum of Understanding.


    2. Implementation of higher impact community development projects under Indian grant

    The project for the Implementation of higher impact community development projects under Indian
    grant Assistance has been implemented since the year 2005. Accordingly, memoranda of
    understanding have been signed in regard to the periods 2005 – 2010, 2010 – 2015 and 2015 –
    2020. Priority is given to provide infrastructure facilities in the sectors of Education, Health and
    Community Development under the project. The cost of one sub – project implemented under the
    project is limited to only Sri Lankan Rupees 300 million and is subject to a maximum of Sri Lankan
    Rupees 5 billion of the value of the total number of projects implemented at any instance. However,
    due to the economic crisis and the higher inflation rate experienced within the country, some
    projects cannot be implemented within the maximum cost limit of Rupees 300 million. Therefore,
    the two parties have agreed to escalate the said limit up to a limit of Rupees 600 million, and to
    escalate to a maximum of Sri Lankan Rupees 10 billion of the value of the total number of projects
    implemented at any instance. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution
    furnished by the Hon. President as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National
    Policies to revise the memorandum of understanding signed between the two countries.


    03.The project to strengthen the social integrity and peace in Sri Lanka and the project to ease
    the green (Haritha) policy dialogue proposed to be financed by the grants of the European

    With the objective of assisting a ‘Sri Lanka stabilized on the green policies’ and a ‘covered peaceful
    society’ from 2021 to 2027, it has been agreed to furnish funds under the Multi - Annual Indicative
    Programme of the European Union for Sri Lanka. Accordingly, the European Union has agreed to
    provide a grant of Euro 16 million for implement “Social Integrity and peace strengthening project”
    and “Project to Ease the Green (Haritha) Policy Dialogue” in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, the Cabinet
    of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Hon. President as the Minister of Finance,
    Economic Stabilization and National Policies to enter into grant agreements with the European
    Union in order to obtain these grants.


    4. International Water Summit – 2022 on Sustainable development, Cooperation, Partnership
    and Appropriate Technology.

    The Water Supply and Drainage Board has taken steps to organize the International Water Summit
    – 2022 from 14.12.2022 to 16.12.2022. It is intended by conducting this summit to gather water
    professionals, foreign representatives, international organizations, government officials, and
    journalists, to exchange views and knowledge for research and create relationships among water
    professionals as well as exchange experience and successes in the water sector in other countries.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the resolution submitted by the Minister
    of Water Supply to conduct the proposed summit with the participation of relevant local and
    international institutions.


    5. Entering into a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Plantation
    Industries and Ksapa Company, France for implementation of the capacity building project
    for 6,000 small scale rubber estate owners.

    It has been planned to implement ‘the project to increase the value chain of rubber products and
    enhance the capacity of the small scale rubber estate owners’ to escalate the economic strength of
    6,000 small scale rubber estate owners in Badalkukmbura and Medagama areas where rubber is
    planted in the Monaragala district by the Ksapa Company, France guided by the Ministry of
    Plantation Industries under the financial allocations of the Ministry of Economic, Financial and
    Recovery, France and the Michelion Group of France. The proposed project has been approved by
    the Department of National Policy Planning and it has been estimated that 726,700 Euros will be
    the total cost of the project. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the proposal

    furnished by the Minister of Plantation Industries to enter into a memorandum of understanding to
    implement the said project.


    6. Signing the enhanced second additional protocol to “The convention on cyber - crimes
    (Budapest Convention) on cooperation and electronic evidence revelation.”

    Sri Lanka has signed as a stakeholder in the convention on cyber - crimes (Budapest Convention)
    on cooperation and electronic evidence revelation and the Convention is in effect from 01.09.2015.
    A ceremony is to be held in Strasbourg, France on 30.11.2022 for signing the second additional
    protocol and the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the combined resolution furnished by the
    Ministers of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms and Foreign Affairs to sign the said
    protocol there.


    7. Enactment of orders for payment of welfare benefits under the provisions of the Welfare Benefits Act
    No. 24 of 2002

    Orders for payment of welfare benefits under the provisions of the Welfare Benefits Act No. 24 of 2002
    (Selection of beneficiaries) were published in the Extraordinary Gazette dated 20.10.2022. The Cabinet of
    Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance,
    Economic Stabilization and National Policies to table the said orders for parliamentary approval.


    8. Revising the Buddhist temporalities ordinance no. 19 of 1931 and Drafting of Theravada Monk
    Discourse (Registration) Act.

    Although steps were taken several times before to amend the Buddhist temporalities ordinance no. 19 of
    1931, the amendments could not be finalized due to the non-agreement on the ideas and proposals presented
    by various parties. The relevant parties have now reached an agreement on the proposed amendments.
    Further, various parties have submitted proposals to introduce an Act including provisions to enforce the
    decision of the Sangha Sabha, in the event that any monk does not follow the decision reached by the Sangha
    Sabha of any sect or party. It has been decided to take these suggestions into consideration and further revise
    the basic bill for drafting the Theravada Monk Discourse (Registration) Act and prepare the said bill
    accordingly. As such, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of
    Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs to take the initiative to prepare a bill for the amendment of
    the Buddhist temporalities ordinance No. 19 of 1931 and to draft bill for the revision of Theravada Monk
    Discourse (Registration) Act.


    9. Enactment of regulations under section 47(1) of the Antiquity Ordinance No. 9 of 1940

    The Department of Archeology as well as other government agencies has the power to take legal action
    against anyone who violates the Antiquity Ordinance by unlawfully damaging a site or property of
    archaeological importance. Those government institutions are contributing to protect the archaeological sites

    of Sri Lanka and preserve them for future generations. In order to further motivate the staff members of
    those institutions for these activities, it is advisable to give some incentive from the Antique Gifts Fund. As
    such the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Buddhasasana, Religious
    and Cultural Affairs to take the necessary measures in accordance with Antiquity Ordinance No. 9 of 1940
    for the enactment of provisions enabling such incentive.


    10. Issuance of orders under the Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017 to enable local controlled
    companies to obtain short-term foreign currency loans from foreign countries to finance payments for
    the import of raw materials.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the
    Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to make orders under Section 7(1) of the
    Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017 to facilitate payment by domestic controlled companies for the import
    of raw materials to manufacture goods for the domestic market using foreign exchange remitted by their
    parent companies or companies of the same group of companies incorporated outside Sri Lanka.


    11. Extension of validity period of the order issued under Section 22 of the Foreign Exchange Act No. 12
    of 2017

    Taking in to account the possible negative impact on the foreign exchange market, orders have been issued
    from time to time under the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Act to suspend/restrict remittance of foreign
    exchange out of the country in respect of certain capital transactions. The validity period of the currently
    issued order will end on 29.12.2022. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal made by the
    President to take necessary measures to extend the validity period of the order issued under Section No. 22
    of the Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017 for another 6 months from 30.12.2022.


    12. Asia- Pacific Network for Global Change Research Conducting South Asian Sub-Regional Committee
    Meeting and Project Proposal Development Training Workshop

    Asia- Pacific Network for Global Change Research is an intergovernmental network of 22 member
    countries working towards an Asia Pacific region that can successfully address the challenges of global
    change and sustainability. The main objective of the network is to conduct policy-based research and
    develop regional capacity for the regional changes required for global sustainable development in the Asia
    Pacific region. The Government of Sri Lanka has taken steps to host the sub-regional committee meeting of
    the Asia- Pacific Network for Global Change Research and the South Asian Project Proposal Development
    Workshop scheduled from 29.11.2022 to 01.12.2022 in Colombo. In this regard, the information presented
    by the Minister of Environment was taken into consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers.


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