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    Cabinet Decisions- 20.02.2023 Featured

    February 21, 2023

    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 20.02.2023



    01 Progress on Large-scale Development projects by the end of the fourth quarter of 2022

    The report presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance,
    Economic stabilization and National Policies on the progress of 261 large-scale development
    projects by the end of the fourth quarter 2022 was taken into consideration by the Cabinet of
    Ministers. When considering the progress of the projects, the progress of the majority has
    been very low due to the suspension of foreign currency related to some projects and the
    difficulty in securing the necessary funds due to the economic situation in the country. The
    facilities, authority and technical services required to continue some of the completed projects
    have not been included in the objectives and scope of the Ministry implementing the project
    or in the role of other relevant institutions. Therefore, it has been recognized that there is a
    risk regarding the sustainability of such projects. Considering the facts above, the Cabinet of
    Ministers approved the proposal presented by the hon. President in his capacity as the Minister
    of Finance, Economic stabilization and National Policies to assign the implementation of
    development projects and the maintenance of their results as the responsibility of the line
    ministries that implement the relevant projects and prepare and implement an institutional
    results framework and an inter-institutional investment results framework for each line
    ministry through the already established National Operations Room.

    02. Declaration of Narangala Mountain Range Area as a wildlife Sanctuary

    The Narangala mountain range, which is more than 1450 meters above sea level, is located in
    the Dikpitiya Grama Niladhari Division of Soranathota Divisional Secretariat area, bordering
    Kandaketiya Divisional Secretariat Area. Consisting of more than 100 springs, this area is
    very important as a water catchment area. In particular, Gama Oya, Moragolla Oya and
    Ambaganga Oya, which are fed by springs in the Narangala mountain range, meet the water
    needs of many villages below the mountain range. Moreover, this mountain range is an area
    rich in biodiversity. Taking the above facts into account, the Cabinet of Ministers approved
    the resolution presented by the Minister of Wild Life and Forest Resources Conservation to
    declare the area of 239.276 hectares where the mountain range is located as Narangala
    Sanctuary and to acquire the lands belonging to the private and Janata Estate Development
    Board in that area to the government and thereafter to declare the entire area as a National
    Wildlife Reserve.

    03. Amendment of the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Interest-free

    Student Loan Scheme for pursuing non-government higher education degree courses.
    According to the cabinet decision dated 22.08.2022, discussions were held between the Bank
    of Ceylon, the General Treasury and the Ministry of Education concerning the continuation
    of the Interest-free Student Loan Scheme for pursuing degree courses in non-government
    higher education institutions. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by
    the Minister of Education to amend the MOU as agreed by the relevant parties in the
    discussions, so that the course fees can be paid in installments within 8 years after completing
    the relevant course and to pay the prescribed interest at the monthly rate of 1% added to the
    prevailing Average Weighted Lending Rate (AWPLR+1%) of the coming year after
    completion of the course.

    04. Approval for Tabling of Orders Promulgating Surcharges in Parliament (Customs

    In accordance with the provisions enforced under section 10 (a) of the Customs Ordinance,
    two orders issued imposing a percentage surcharge on the customs import duty for a few
    selected goods have been published in the Government Gazette on 30.11.2022 and
    04.01.2023. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. The President
    in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic stabilization and National Policies table
    the said orders in parliament for approval.

    05. Orders promulgated under the Merchant Shipping Act No. 52 of 1971 and the Licensing
    of Shipping Agents Act No. 10 of 1972

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Ports. Shipping
    and Aviation to table the orders issued by the Trade Secretariat implemented under the
    Ministry of Ports and Aviation through 13 Gazette Notifications promulgated under the
    Merchant Shipping Act No. 52 of 1971 and the order issued under the provisions of Licensing
    of Shipping Agents Act No. 10 of 1972.

    06. Order for revising the charges by the Department of Registration of Persons for
    rendering services

    In an earlier meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers had given its approval to revise the charges
    for providing services by the Department of Registration of Persons. Draft orders have been
    prepared accordingly to amend the Registration of Persons Order No. 1 of 2017 in order to
    make arrangements. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the
    Minister of Defense to submit the appointment to the Parliament for approval and then publish
    it in the Gazette.

    07. Draft bill of establishing the National Defense Council.

    Since the year 1999, the National Defense Council of Sri Lanka is serving as the preliminary
    executive institution to instruct the President on matters relevant to the national defense as
    well as to coordinate local, foreign, economic, and military policies in regard to that. As per
    the decision of the Supreme Court issued on 12.01.2023, it has been recommended the
    requirement of establishing the National Defense Council on a constitutional basis as well as
    with a clear composition. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the
    resolution furnished by the Hon. President to instruct the Legal Draftsman to draft a bill to
    enable the legalization of the National Defense Council by a Parliamentary Act.

    08. Issuance of bonds for settling bills in arrears.

    A committee has been appointed by the Secretary to the General Treasury adhering to the
    directives of the Hon. President in order to settle the issues regarding the payments / unpaid
    bill that should be cleared by the Ministries and the Government Institutions. The report of
    the said committee has recommended to settle the payables by issuing treasury bonds instead
    of paying in cash for the suppliers / contracts in order to facilitate the market and treasury
    finance flow monitoring process. Accordingly, the Cabinet of ministers approved the proposal
    furnished by the Hon. President as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and
    National Policies to act accordingly.

    09. Awarding of National awards.

    National awards are presented since the year 1986 to evaluate the service rendered in various
    fields within and outside of Sri Lanka. the Presidents bestow titles such as Sri Lankabhimanya,
    Deshamanya, Deshabandhu, Vidyajothi, Kalakeerthi, Sri Lanka Shikhamani, Vidyanidhi,
    Kalashuri, Sri Lanka Thilaka, Weera Prathapa etc, according to a formal procedure as per the
    gazette notification dated 20.03.1995. Whereas, the titles of Sri Lanka Ranjana, Sri Lanka
    Rathna and Sri Lanka Ramya are awarded to foreigners as per the gazette notification dated
    12.09.1990. Furthermore, the most valuable and highest position in the awards list, the Sri
    Lanka Mithra Vibhushana award is given to non - Sri Lankans leaders of the nations who are
    having friendly ties with Sri Lanka for their assistance rendered to the Sri Lankans. There are
    a number of vacancies in these national awards by now and the awards should be presented
    to eligible individuals selected by following formal procedure. Whereas, it has been
    recognized that awarding the excellent Kaushalyabhimani award for evaluating the service
    rendered for the betterment of the fields of arts, literature, science and technology, as well as
    the excellent Janaraja Abhimani award to Sri Lankans for evaluating the special dedication to
    the nation have to be taken place and those two awards should be placed on the top most
    positions in the order of excellence with the other national awards. Accordingly, the Cabinet
    of Ministers granted approval for the resolutions furnished by the Hon. President in relation
    to selecting candidates for awards by inviting applications as per the procedure mentioned in
    the relevant gazette notifications and to pass a Parliamentary act providing restrictions to
    award national awards by other institutions in an informal manner.

    10. Financing of budget of the year 2023.

    Power to obtain a gross loan limit of rupees 4,979 billion has been granted for the year 2023
    by the appropriation act No. 43 of 2022. Accordingly, this limit has to be consumed for loan
    re payments, interest payments as well as financing development projects. This obtaining of
    a total gross loan of rupees 4,979 billion will be financed through local and foreign sources
    while it has been estimated to obtain rupees 3,526 billion from the local sources whereas
    rupees 1,453 billion from foreign sources. Under the local sources, financing will be made
    through treasury bills, treasury bonds, foreign exchange banking unit loans, and Sri Lanka
    development bonds. In concurrence with the policy declared by the Government of Sri Lanka
    in April 2022 in regard to servicing the foreign credit services, it has been estimated of an
    amount of USD 2,609 million of total loan service payments should be paid from the foreign
    exchange within the first 06 months of the year 2023. USD 2069 million out of that amount
    is for paying back loan instalments whereas USD 540 million is for interest payments. Within
    the pay back as such USD 709 million is for the payment of Sri Lanka Development Bonds
    and another USD 46 million is for the payment of interest for that. Accordingly, the Cabinet
    of Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Hon. President as the Minister of Finance,
    Economic Stabilization and National Policies to entrust the authority to the Secretary to the
    General Treasury for taking necessary measures to furnish necessary funding within the
    approved loan limit.

    11. Preparation of a Development Plan for the development of the Kandy city.

    The Hon. President drew the attention of the Cabinet of Ministers about the requirement of
    developing the city of Kandy under a formal plan minimizing the congestion of the city.
    Accordingly, approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted to appoint a committee
    comprised of the Ministers in the district as well as the officers in the relevant institutions in
    order to furnish appropriate pans and recommendations to develop city of Kandy from Kandy
    to Kundasale

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