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    Cabinet Decisions- 07.03.2023 Featured

    March 08, 2023

    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 07.03.2023

    1. Identifying the boundaries of the Sri Lankan continental shelf

    In 2009, Sri Lanka submitted technical and scientific data and other information to the
    Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for the establishment of the outer limits of
    the continental shelf beyond Sri Lanka's Exclusive Economic Zone of 200 nautical miles
    under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Commission has appointed a
    sub-commission to consider Sri Lanka's entitlements. The National Ocean Affairs Committee
    under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been stablished with the Cabinet approval to work
    with this sub-committee to identify the limits of the continental shelf claimed by Sri Lanka.
    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
    to call for expressions of intent for the reconstitution of the National Oceanic Affairs
    Committee with a view to identifying its outer limits with supporting evidence for the
    establishment of Sri Lanka's continental shelf.


    2. Construction of a water treatment plant for Horana Export Processing Zone

    Water is supplied to the Horana Export Processing Zone and the Wagavaththa Industrial Zone
    through a water supply scheme with a production capacity of 3000 cubic meters of water per
    day implemented by the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka. Since the daily water requirement
    of the investors in Horana and Vagawatta zones is about 4350 cubic meters, the Water Supply
    and Drainage Board has prepared plans to construct a new water treatment plant with a
    capacity of 2000 cubic meters per day. The Board of Directors of the Board of Investment has
    agreed to secure provision for this. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the
    proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Investment to build
    and operate the new water treatment plant in the Horana Export Processing Zone using the
    provisions of the Investment Board.


    3. Sri Lanka's contribution to the “Commonwealth of Learning “ Organization

    “Commonwealth of Learning “ is an international organization established by the leaders of
    the Commonwealth of Nations to strengthen their capacity to develop the human resources
    necessary for economic and social development in member countries. This is the education
    section of the Commonwealth of Nations fund. As a member country, Sri Lanka contributes
    to the “Commonwealth of Learning “ organization through the education section of the
    agreement reached by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Commonwealth Fund.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of
    Education to continue the membership of the “Commonwealth of Learning “ Organization by
    paying the relevant contributions


    04. Amendment of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Act No. 38 of 2009

    The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Act No. 38 of 2009 has been
    instituted with the objective of establishing an institute on national occupational safety and
    health for the purpose of declaring a national policy for the preparation of standards for
    occupational safety and health as well as creating an occupational safety environment that
    ensures the safety of the two parties namely the employer and employee. It has been
    recognized that this act should be revised according to the present requirements. Accordingly,
    the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution submitted by the Minister of Labour and
    Foreign Employment for instructing the Legal Draftman to draft statue to amend the National
    Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Act.

    05. Establishment of finance sector crisis management committee

    It is important to prevent any impact of the financial crisis that take place in the finance sector
    due to public finance, credit and payment balance difficulties and minimize the cost of a
    financial crisis if occurred as such. Accordingly, it is vital to execute decisive crisis
    management and take timely decisions. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers granted their
    consent to the resolution furnished by the Hon. President as the Minister of Finance,
    Economic Stabilization and National Policies to establish the finance sector crisis
    management committee as well as the finance sector crisis management technical committee
    which coordinate the preparation and management of the financial crisis between the Central
    Bank of Sri Lanka and the subject Ministry of Finance and to include required provisions in
    the banks (special provisions) act.

    06. Review of the 6 th periodical report of Sri Lanka under the International Convenant on
    Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

    Review of the 6 th periodical report of Sri Lanka under the International Convenant on Civil
    and Political Rights (ICCPR) is scheduled to take place in Geneva during the two days of 8 th
    and 9 th March 2023. The Cabinet of Ministers took into consideration the facts furnished by
    the Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the steps taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    for the said review.

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