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    Cabinet Decisions 03.04.2023

    April 04, 2023


    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 03.04.2023

    1. Payment of basic salary to government officials who have submitted nominations for Local
    Government Elections.

    Around 3,000 government officials have submitted nominations for the Local Government
    Elections and have been given No Pay Leave as per the provisions of the Establishment Code.
    Due to the postponement of the Local Government Election, the duration of their No Pay Leave
    has been extended and as a result the officials have to face financial difficulties. As such, the
    Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Public Administration,
    Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government to pay the basic salary of the officers
    who have submitted nominations for the Local Government Elections for the period from
    09.03.2023 to 25.04.2023.

    2. Repurchasing shares of the Tea Shakthi Fund from the Shareholders

    On 22.09.2022, the Cabinet of Ministers discussed the proposal for repurchasing shares of the
    Tea Shakthi Fund from the Shareholders and decided that the recommendations of the committee
    appointed to decide on the affairs related to the Tea Shakthi Fund should be obtained regarding
    the said proposal. The nominal value of a share of the Tea Sahkthi Fund is Rs.10. The Cabinet
    of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Plantation Industries to
    transfer the ownership of the relevant shares to the Tea Shakthi Fund by refunding the nominal
    value to the shareholders using the funds earned by the Tea Shakthi Fund as recommended by
    the said committee.

    3. Procurement of 75 Ambulances under Health System Enhancement Project.

    The Health System Enhancement Project is being implemented with funds of USD 123 million
    and the Project is financed by the Asian Development Bank, Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction
    and the counter contribution of the Government of Sri Lanka. Provisions have made under the
    project to purchase 50 ambulances using Asian Development Bank funds and 25 ambulances
    using the grant under the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction. Of these, it is planned to hand over
    30 ambulances to the Ministry of Health and the remaining 45 to the Suvasarya Foundation.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of
    Health to purchase those ambulances by expediting the relevant procurement process.


    4. Mediation Board Special Categories of Disputes (Mediator Qualifications) Orders No. 01 of

    Under the provisions of the Mediation Board (Special Categories of Disputes )Act No.21 of
    2003, the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms has made arrangements
    by an order published in the Extraordinary Gazette dated 21.12.2021 to set up Special
    Mediation Boards in 6 administrative districts to settle financial disputes arising due to financial
    business transactions. Section 4(2) of the Mediation Board (Special Categories of Disputes ) Act
    No.21 of 2003 vests the powers in the Minister of Justice, Prisons Affairs and Constitutional
    Reforms to determine the qualifications of persons to be appointed to a such Finance Board.
    Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of
    Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms to table the Mediation Board Special
    Categories of Disputes (Mediator Qualifications) Orders No. 1 of 2023 published in
    Extraordinary Gazette No. 2314/80 dated 14.01.2023 in parliament for approval.


    5. Government Paddy Purchasing Program for the Maha Season 2022/23

    On 16.01.2023, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the provision of 10 Kg of rice per family for a
    period of two months covering 2 million low-income families. In addition to the two million
    families above mentioned, it has been identified that there are 850,000 low-income families on
    the waiting list and that they should also be included in the proposed program. Accordingly, the
    Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President to include those
    850,000 low-income families under this program and to provide 2.85 million families with 10 kg
    of rice per month for a period of two months and to increase the currently approved budget
    allocation of Rs.10 billion to Rs.13 billion.


    6. Procurement for purchasing surgical gauze required by the medical supplies division from
    local suppliers for the year 2023.

    Approval of the Cabinet of Ministers was granted at their meeting held on 05.12.2012 to
    purchase the required quantity of surgical gauze essentially for clinical activities and surgeries at
    the government hospitals from local small - scale manufacturers subject to a permanent ration
    system. Accordingly, the standing procurement committee appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers
    has selected 348 suppliers out of 405 gauze suppliers registered under the medical supplies
    division to purchase 30 million meters of surgical gauze required for the year 2023. The price
    committee has approved the standing price of a meter of surgical gauze as Sri Lankan rupees
    74.96. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Minister
    of Health to award the procurement of purchasing 30 million meters of surgical gauze for the
    year 2023 to the selected 348 suppliers.


    7. Truth and Reconciliation Mechanism

    A consultation committee has been appointed as per the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers
    dated 16.01.2023 to draft the initial documents for treating freaking as a foundation to formulate
    regulation on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    granted their concurrence to the joint resolution furnished by the Minister of Justice, Prison
    Affairs and Constitutional Reforms and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to direct the Legal
    Draftsman to prepare a draft statute based on the fundamental draft already forwarded by the said
    consultation committee.

    8. Provision of fertilizer subsidiary for paddy cultivation for Yala season 2023.

    Considering a proposal submitted by the Minister of Agriculture in regard to providing the
    fertilizer subsidiary for paddy cultivation of the Yala season of 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers
    approved the provision of a financial subsidiary for farmers for two hectares to the maximum be
    rupees 20,000/- per hectare in order to supply fertilizer.


    9. Invitation for National Competitive Bidding for maintaining either a cafeteria of an
    international chain of cafeterias and / or a shop with garments and accessories under
    international brands at the departure / migrant area of the Bandaranayake International
    Airport, Katunayaka.

    Bidding invitations for National Competitive Bidding for maintaining either a cafeteria of an
    international chain of cafeterias and / or a shop with garments and accessories under international
    brands at the departure / migrant area of the Bandaranayake International Airport, Katunayaka
    have been called and three (03) bids have been received. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Ports, Shipping and Aviation for awarding
    the relevant procurement for USD $ 2,502,624 for a period of three (03) years to M/s Flemingo
    Duty Free (Pvt.) Ltd. who is the bidder furnished the maximum quotation responding to the
    substantive response in accordance with the recommendations of the Standing Procurement
    Committee appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    10. Awarding the procurement for a computer software solution for optimization of income
    generation of Sri Lankan Airlines Co.

    Bids have been invited adhering to international competitive bidding system for receiving a
    computer software solution for optimizing the income generation of Sri Lankan Airlines
    Company, and four (04) bids have been received in regard to that. The Cabinet of Ministers

    approved the proposal submitted by the Minister of Ports, Shipping and Aviation for awarding
    the relevant procurement for USD $ 3,243,600 for a period of five (05) years to Pros, Inc.
    company of the United States of America who is the bidder furnished the minimum quotation
    responding to the substantive response in accordance with the recommendations of the Standing
    Procurement Committee appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers.


    11. Implementation of Smart Metering Project of Ceylon Electricity Board in Dehiwala area

    It has been planned to implement smart metering systems targeting a number of 50,000
    consumers in Dehiwala area basically and the estimated cost for that is Rs. 1,000 million. Bid
    documents have been invited under international competitive bidding system for planning,
    supply, installation, inspection and initiation of infrastructure facilities while five (05) bids have
    been received. In par with the recommendation of the Standing Procurement committee
    appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval to the
    resolution furnished by the Minister of Electricity and Power for awarding the relevant
    procurement to M/s Yantai Dongfang Wisdom Electric Co. Ltd. of China which has substantially
    responded for a value of Rs. 937.91 million.

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