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    Cabinet Decisions- 29.05.2023 Featured

    May 30, 2023

    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 29.05.2023

    01. Entering into a Memorandum of Understanding between Sri Lanka and the Maldives on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters

    It has been proposed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between Maldives and Sri
    Lanka on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs. The purpose of this MoU is to
    strengthen, promote and improve cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters as well
    as to strengthen mutual understanding and communication between the two parties. The Attorney
    General's clearance has been received for the MoU drafted for this purpose. Accordingly the
    Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Hon. President in his capacity as
    the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to sign the proposed
    Memorandum of Understanding.

    02. Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between Maldives and Sri Lanka on
    cooperation in the field of health

    It has been proposed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between Maldives and Sri Lanka
    on cooperation in the field of health with the aim of strengthening cooperation in the field of
    health between the two countries by improving health services, promoting research and
    development activities and improving the overall well-being of the people of both countries. The
    Attorney General's clearance has been received for the MoU drafted for this purpose.
    Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Health
    to sign the proposed Memorandum of Understanding.

    03. Extension of the validity period of Memorandum of Understanding signed between the
    Agricultural Research Policy Council in Sri Lanka and the Agricultural Research
    Development Institute of Malaysia

    In 2016, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Agricultural Research Policy
    Council in Sri Lanka and the Agricultural Research Development Institute of Malaysia for a
    period of 5 years for the formal continuation of scientific cooperation in the field of agriculture
    between Sri Lanka and Malaysia. The period of that agreement has now ended and both parties
    have agreed to extend the agreement for another 5 years. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Agriculture to extend the validity of the said
    MoU for another 5 years.

    04. Establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

    The Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms and the Minister of Foreign
    Affairs visited South Africa at the invitation of the Minister of International Relations and
    Cooperation in South Africa in order to conduct a preliminary study on South Africa’s Truth
    and Reconciliation Commission. During that visit, they held discussions with the South African
    President, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation and other heads of the South
    African government. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the combined proposal presented by
    the Minister of Justice, Prison Affairs and Constitutional Reforms and the Minister of Foreign
    Affairs for the establishment of the Truth and Reconciliation Mechanism in Sri Lanka taking
    into account the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa.

    05. Conducting the International conference on Qualification Frameworks and Recognition of
    Qualifications concerning Higher Education and Credentials

    With the increase of globalization of the opportunities existing for higher education, agreements
    and accords should be signed that facilitate to acceptance of qualifications and credentials
    awarded mutually in accordance with the qualification framework of each country. Accordingly,
    the University of Ruhuna and Sri Lanka University of Wayamba joined along with the Ministry
    of Education has initiated several activities across “Regional Cooperation in the Hospitality
    Sector among Asian Countries” (RecoAsia) that finance equal funding under the programme
    “Erasmus+” by the European Union. Further to this, Sri Lanka has joined with the SAARC
    Qualificaiton Framework Project as well under the guidance of the International Labour
    Organization. Under such circumstances, the Ministry of Education has planned to hold an
    International conference on Qualification Frameworks and Recognition of Qualifications
    concerning Higher Education and Credentials during the 28th and 29th of June 2023 with the
    financing of RecoAsia and the International Labour Organization. Accordingly, the Cabinet of
    Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Minister of Education to conduct the said

    06. Conducting the 45th Asian Summit on Remote Sensing in Sri Lanka.

    Considering the importance of Remote Sensing Technology in national development activities,
    the countries in the Asia - Pacific region have formed the Asian Organization of Remote Sensing.
    This organization in which Sri Lanka also is an opening member is comprised of a numerous
    member groups, namely, general members, related members and sustainable members. The 45th
    Asian Summit on Remote Sensing has been scheduled to be conducted through 05 days in
    Colombo during October – November 2024. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the
    resolution furnished by the Minister of Tourism and Lands to conduct the said summit in Sri


    In the event of any inconsistency between the Tamil and English translations of this
    document, the Sinhala text shall prevail.

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