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    Cabinet Decisions - 24.07.2023 Featured

    July 25, 2023

    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 24.07.2023

    1. Fifth round of negotiations on the proposed Sri Lanka – Thailand Free Trade Agreement


    The fifth round of negotiations on the proposed Sri Lanka – Thailand Free Trade Agreement was held
    in Colombo from 26.06.2023 to 28.06.2023. In this round, the discussions regarding customs
    cooperation and trade facilitation, economic cooperation as well as sanitary and phytosanitary chapters
    have been completed. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers took into account the information on the
    progress of the fifth round of negotiations on the proposed Sri Lanka – Thailand Free Trade Agreement
    presented by the Hon. President stating that it is expected to conclude the relevant negotiations by
    February 2024 and to sign the agreement by March 2024 in accordance with the action plan concerning
    the proposed agreement.

    2. Securing funds from the World Bank for the implementation of the Social Security Project

    Cabinet approval has been granted at the meeting held on 08.05.2023 for holding discussions and
    negotiations with the World Bank for the implementation of a project to provide a better target income
    and livelihood opportunities to poverty and vulnerable groups and to strengthen the social security
    system. Thereby the World Bank has agreed to provide US D 200 million in three components namely
    United States Dollars 185 million for assisting the ‘Aswesuma’ new welfare benefit payment scheme,
    another United States Dollars 07 million for assisting to implement a pilot project to economically
    empower the selected beneficiaries and United States Dollars 08 million for strengthening the entire
    project management and social security system under the project. The Cabinet of Ministers approved
    the resolution furnished by the Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Finance, Economic
    Stabilization and National Policies to enter into the relevant agreement with the international
    development tribunal of the World Bank Group in order to obtain the relevant loan grant.

    3. Restructuring Sri Lanka Railway Department

    While it has been recognized that the Department of Sri Lanka Railways required to be restructured
    in order to maintain the service rendering at a precise level by minimizing issues erupted by now in
    regard to administration, financial and monitoring activities of Sri Lanka Railway Department that
    serves both passenger transportation and goods transportation and categorized as an A grade
    government department, concurrence of all the relevant parties to the Department has been received
    for the purpose. Accordingly, followed by a proposal furnished by the Minister of Transport and
    Highways, the Cabinet of Ministers granted approval for the appointment of a committee comprised
    of relevant subject experts to submit appropriate proposals in regard to restructure the Department
    under a more appropriate structure.

    4. Signing a license agreement between Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation of Sri Lanka and the
    National Radio and Television Administrationof the People’s Republic of China.

    It has been proposed to sign a license agreement for exchange of television programmes between the
    National Radio and Television Administration of the Peoples’ Republic of China and Sri Lanka
    Rupavahini Corporation with the objective of strengthening mutual understanding, friendship and
    cooperation. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal submitted by the Minister
    of Mass Media for signing the license agreement prepared for the purpose between the two parties.
    5. Signing a memorandum of understanding between the Government of Sri Lanka and the


    Government of Australia for the cooperation of sports.

    The memorandum of understanding that had been signed for a period of three years to develop the
    cooperation in sport between Sri Lanka and Australia has been ended from 15.02.2020. It has been
    proposed to sign a new memorandum of understanding enabling extension of the above mentioned
    memorandum of understanding from another three years with the objective of exchanging information
    ad programmes between athletes and sports officers in the field by identifying sports sectors that can
    exhibit remarkable skills and strengthening the bilateral cooperation of the sport sector based on the
    mutual benefits. Accordingly, the two parties agreed upon the draft memorandum of understanding
    prepared while the clearance of the Attorney General has also been received. Hence the Cabinet of
    Ministers approved the proposal furnished by the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs to sign the said
    memorandum of understanding.

    6. Submission of the rule issued as per the provisions of Sri Lanka Export Development Act No. 40
    of 1979 for the concurrence of the Parliament.

    A rule has been issued under the provisions of Sri Lanka Export Development Act No. 40 of 1979 to
    increase the Cess tax which is charged during the import of clinker which is a raw / interim material
    required for the production of cement and totally manufactured and marketable cement, in order to
    increase the state revenue earned from the import of cement and related products while providing
    facilities to local manufacturers. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the
    Hon. President in his capacity as the Minister of Investment Promotion to furnish the said rule already
    published in the Government extraordinary gazette notification No. 2336 / 71 dated 16.06.2023 to the
    Parliament for its concurrence.


    In the event of any inconsistency between the English translations of this document, the
    Sinhala text shall prevail.

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