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    Cabinet Decisions - 25.09.2023 Featured

    September 26, 2023

    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers on 25.09.2023

    1. Taking action to prevent and control forest fires

    There is a rapidly increasing risk of forest fire caused by man-made fires around forests, especially
    during dry weather conditions. This situation is common in Badulla, Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, Mathale,
    Monaragala, Polonnaruwa, Kurunegala, Puttalama and Rathnapura districts. The number of forest
    fires reported so far this year is about 150. As a result, around 2,600 hectares of forests have been
    destroyed. Therefore the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of
    Forest and Wild life Conservation to implement a program with the support of the government and
    other relevant parties from the national level to the rural level to prevent the occurrence of forest
    fires and extinguish forest fires.

    2. Memorandum of Understanding between the Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training
    Institute and the Training and Levan Mikeladze Diplomatic Training and Research Institute
    of Georgia.

    It has been proposed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Bandaranaike
    International Diplomatic Training Institute implemented under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
    the Training and Levan Mikeladze Diplomatic Training and Research Institute implemented under
    the Ministry of Affairs Georgia to establish cooperation on exchange of expert knowledge, exchange
    of academic staff, exchange of students, joint research programs as well as teaching methods and
    other areas. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister
    of Foreign Affairs to sign the proposed Memorandum of Understanding in conjunction with the 25 th
    anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

    3. Procurement of spare parts for the anchor buoy used for unload petroleum in the sea near

    Tenders have been invited for the procurement of 26 floating rubber tubes and other parts required
    for the anchor buoy used for landing petroleum in the sea near Muthurajawela. Only one bid is
    submitted. The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by the Minister of Power and
    Energy to award this contract to M/s Yokahama Industrial Products Asia Pacific (Pte)Ltd. in
    accordance with the recommendation of Technical Evaluation Committee and the Cabinet
    Appointed Procurement Committee.

    4. Procurement for purchase of 4 diesel shipments in next 4 months

    Bids have been invited under the long term contract system for the purchase of 4 consignments of
    diesel for the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation during the period of 4 months from 01.11.2023 to
    29.02.2024 and 5 bids have been received. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the
    proposal presented by the Minister of Power and Energy to award this contract to M/s Petrochina
    International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, upon the recommendation or the Cabinet Appointed Special
    Procurement Committee.


    5. The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate
    Change scheduled to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

    The 28 th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is
    scheduled to be held in Dubai United Arab Emirates (UAE) from 30.11.2023 to 12.12.2023. Sri
    Lanka expects to present a proposal at this summit to establish a structure called "Climate Justice
    Forum". The aim is to raise a common voice regarding the aspirations of developing countries,
    together with countries that are more likely to be at risk due to climate change. It is further expected
    that it will be possible to create an environment that will lead the developed countries to fulfill
    their promises and responsibilities in this regard. Accordingly the Cabinet of Ministers approved the
    proposal presented by the Minister of Environment to maintain a Country Pavilion during the period
    of the summit for the active participation of the delegates participating in the 28 th Conference of the
    Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and to display national level
    initiatives related to climate change in that pavilion.


    6. Amendments to the Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017.

    It has been proposed that it is appropriate to amend the Inland Revenue tax to enable to request tax
    relief by any charity establishment that provides health facilities to children with disabilities in the
    society joined hands with government health services / education system and that is established as a
    legitimate institution prioritizing the well–being of the differently - abled children in society while
    being established as a legitimate institution or registered under any law enforced for registering
    social services organizations. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution
    furnished by the acting Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to direct
    the Legal Draftsman to draft a bill for amending the Inland Revenue act including legal provisions
    for the purpose.

    07. Obtaining special loan facilities based on policies from the Asian Development Bank for the
    Economic Stabilization and Reformation Programme.

    Initial discussions with the Asian Development Bank have been held by Sri Lankan Government to
    obtain 02 loan facilities worth United States dollars 200 million each based on policies to implement
    02 sub - programmes under the economic stabilization and reformation programme. It has been
    proposed to implement accelerated reformations to enhance the conflict management framework and
    the stabilization in the finance sector under the first sub – programme while it has been proposed to
    develop an all - inclusive resistant finance system under the second sub - programme. The Cabinet of
    Ministers granted approval to the proposal submitted by the Hon. President in his office as the
    Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to enter into a loan agreement
    with the Asian Development Bank to obtain an amount of United States dollars 200 million subject
    to an annual interest rate of 2% with a repaying period of 25 years inclusive of a grace period of 05
    years in relation to the first sub – programme.


    08. Establishment of National Debt Management Institute

    It has been emphasized in the supplementary budget of 2022 the importance of the establishment of
    a State Loan Management Institute as an institutional reformation while enhancing loan management
    and transparency has been recognized as a prioritized sector even under the appropriation loan
    facility of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Technical assistance has been rendered by the
    International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in order to establish the proposed state loan
    management institute. The loan management reformation plan, loan management institutional
    framework and legal framework have been planned by now. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers
    granted approval to the resolution furnished by the acting Minister of Finance, Economic
    Stabilization and National Policies to direct the Legal Draftsman to draft the bill of the State Loan
    Management Act.

    09. Submission of the appropriation bill for the year 2024 to the Parliament.

    The Cabinet of Ministers granted approval at their meeting held on 31.07.2023 to draft the bill of
    appropriation for the financial year 2024. Accordingly, the clearance of the Attorney General has
    been received for the draft appropriation bill for the financial year 2024 prepared by the Legal
    Draftsman. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the resolution furnished by the Hon. President in his
    office as the Minister of Finance, Economic Stabilization and National Policies to publish the draft
    bill in the government gazette notification and subsequently to table the same in the Parliament for
    its concurrence.


    In the event of any inconsistency between the English translations of this document, the

    Sinhala text shall prevail.

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