October 25, 2024
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    Avoid sharing false propaganda on social media accounts that could discourage especially the young fellow users to receive anti-COVID-19 vaccines, Professor of Community Heath attached
    to the |Faculty of Medicine of the University of Colombo Manju Weerasinghe urged the social media users.

    The Government has spent Rs.7947 million to provide welfare for the residents of 13 Divisional Secretariats in the Colombo District during the COVID-19 pandemic, Colombo District
    Secretary Pradeep Yasarathna said.

    Comparing to many developed countries in the world, the vaccination program of Sri Lanka is more successfully and speedily continuing, Ambassador of Egypt in Sri Lanka Hussein El Saharty said.

    Foreign Minister G.L. Peiris in his discussion with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Thailand Don Pramudwinai indicated strong and historical bilateral ties as two countries practising Theravada Buddhism.

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