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    May 14, 2017



    Whereas United Nations 14th Vesak Day Celebrations and Conference were ceremonially commenced at Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) Colombo on 12th May 2017 with the blessings of most Venerable Mahanayaka Theros in Sri Lanka and most Venerable Sangaraja Theros from overseas, members of Maha Sangha and other religious dignitaries from many parts of the world representing 72 countries, and Hon. Narendra Shri Modi, Prime Minister of Republic of India gracing the event as the Chief Guest while His Excellency Maithreepala Sirisena, the President of Sri Lanka and Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka participating the occasion; and


    posium held on the theme of “Buddhist Teachings for Social Justice and Sustainable World Peace, which is in consonance with the United Nations expected goal of achieving “Sustainable World Development in 2030”; While they engaged in dialogue and deliberations on the above subject they also exhaustively dealt with few other sub topics with a view to exploring avenues to achieve the Goal of Sustainable World Peace through the teachings of the Buddha; and


    Whereas in the course of the proceedings it was highlighted that Sri Lanka being the only country blessed with the visit of Buddha and the country which chronicled the Thripitaka Canon and preserved the teachings of Buddha has a bounden and sacred duty to disseminate the Dhamma with the supreme objective of extending loving kindness and compassion towards the betterment and well-being of all beings around the world; and


    Whereas Sri Lanka has followed the guidance of Dhamma as preached by the Buddha for the formation and maintenance of a Righteous State while upholding values and norms of Buddhism over a two millennia and set examples to the world displaying the features of good governance and the rule of Dhamma; and


    Whereas it is abundantly clear that the most appropriate definition of modern democracy could be traced back to 306 BC in Sri Lankan history which was the first admonition given to Great King Devanampiyatissa by Arahant Mahinda Thero at Mihintale forest when he visited there during the period of Anuradhapura Era, which reads thus;


    “O great King the birds of the air and the beasts have as equal right to live and move about in any part of the land as thou. The land belongs to the people and all living beings and thou art act only the guardian of it”




    Whereas with this background Sri Lanka is the custodian of the Thripitaka Canon and many other significant and sacred places of the Buddha including the Scared Tooth Relic Temple in Kandy, (Mahanuwara) Sri Maha Bodhi of Anuradhapura, Sripada Temple at Samanala Kanda and many others;


    The United Nation Vesak Day Council unanimously agreed to adopt this declaration on this historic occasion of conducting the closing ceremony with blessings of Scared Tooth Relic of Toot Relic Temple in Kandy (Mahanuwara), Most Venerable Mahanayakes and Sangarajahs venerable Members Maha Sangha and Her Excellency Bidhya Devi Bhandari, the President of Nepal who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and with the participation of His Excellency Maithreepala Sirisena, the President of the Republic of Sri Lanka, Dr Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, Minister of Buddhsasana and Justice of Sri Lanka and many other dignitaries at Mahamaluwa of the sacred Tooth Relic Temple in Kandy (Mahanuwara) as follows;


    1.    In realizing the long felt need to have an aligned organization among Buddhist Communities underpinned by solidarity, solemn initiatives shall be taken to form such an organization with minimum delay in furtherance of our objectives and aspirations based on values and principles of the teachings of the Buddha.


    2.    In consideration of the challenges faced by Buddhist communities all over the world plausible methodology shall be evolved to address and encounter them as one community.


    3.    In considering the fact that tendency of materialism is superseding spiritualism, measures shall be taken to forestall the danger of not only of the debilitation of humanity but also calamities which may break out in consequence of such an inimical transition.


    4.    In deciphering the hand writing on the wall which sounds an alarming danger to the existence of mankind as a consequence of the production and distribution of weaponry of mass destruction, measures shall be taken to ward off such production and distribution as a matter of great urgency and also to work in closer collaboration with international agencies and countries dedicated to ensure the restoration and retention of peaceful and harmonious environment in the world.


    5.    In considering the unprecedented destruction of the environment that is being caused continuously, measures shall be taken to create awareness among the world community and to work in unison with organizations and countries which are dedicated to protect the environment.


    6.    In view of the speedy addiction of the younger generations to drugs and narcotics measures shall be taken to create an awareness among them to the grave danger of it and to take every possible step to salvage them from their predicament.


    7.    In considering the incorrigible disaster which is being constantly caused due to religious disharmony, our council shall play a prominent role in ensuring long lasting inter-religious harmony in the world.


    8.    In view of the alarming decline of morals and spirituality, steps shall be taken to set-up a media network to disseminate the message of Dhamma leading towards a virtuous life based on Buddhist principles.


    9.    In considering the overall deterioration of the human kind and the potential danger of the erosion of human values and qualities, the measures shall be taken to disseminate the teaching of the Enlightened One to help create a world free of conflict and strife by following the path enunciated by the Buddha.


    Sri Lanka being the country which preserved and protected the Dhamma over a period of two millennia, its Government expressed its commitment and dedication to extend its fullest support and cooperation to United Nations as well as our Council to disseminate the Noble Dhamma for the achievement of the above mentioned sublime objectives and aspirations and to ensure a world of peace and serene for posterity.


     May Triple Gem Bless profusely shower upon all of you!!!

    long bannar

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