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    Day 1 – Round Table – Empowering Marginalized Youth Including Most At-Risk Young People

    May 08, 2014

    Delegates Address Challenges of At-Risk Youth Populations

    The round table session on “Empowering Marginalized Youth Including Most At-Risk Young People” was held at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Convention Hall (BMICH) Wednesday morning as the World Conference on Youth (WCY) 2014 got underway.

    Youth Officer of UNAIDS Asia-Pacific Regional Support Team Mr. Aries Valeriano, the Regional Coordinator of the U.N. Asia Pacific Network of Young Key Populations Ms. Thaw Zin Aye and the Bangladesh Representative of the U.N. Population Fund Ms. Argentina Matavel were the key speakers during the session.

    The three speakers touched upon various issues relating to marginalized youth. Ms. Matavel spoke more on young people with disabilities taking examples of celebrities who are differently abled.

    The speakers answered questions that were put across to them by the audience regarding youth prisoners, HIV-affected youth, disabled youth obtaining access to public places, and medical care for youth in African countries.


    Last modified on Thursday, 08 May 2014 03:43

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