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    Investing in mothers in tough places works –Save the Children

    May 10, 2014

    Maternal deaths and child mortality in the most challenging countries of the world can be dramatically cut when efforts are made to improve services for mothers and children, Save the Children can reveal in new research published today.

    According to Save the Children’s State of the World’s Mothers Report 2014, Sri Lanka is the best place to be a mother in southern Asia. Sri Lanka’s 89 thanking puts it in the middle of the group of 178 countries ranked.


    To further discuss the status of mothers and children in Sri Lanka, the launching event was held at World Conference of Youth 2014 in Colombo, on 9 th May 2014.


    The best places in the world to be a mother are Finland, Norway and Sweden, holding the 1, 2, 3, slots respectively. The UK ranks 26 thand the US is 31 st.

    Save the Children’s 15 th annual Mothers’ Index assesses the well - being of mothers and children in 178 countries – 46 developed nations 1 and 132 in the developing world. All countries with populations over 100,000 and sufficient data are included in the Index .

    The Index relies exclusively on information published by authoritative international data agencies and is based on a composite score of five indicators related to maternal well - being. More than 1 billion children live in countries affected by armed conflict.


    Worldwide, women and children are 14 times more likely than men to die in a disaster. The average refugee situation lasts 17 years. For every person killed directly by armed violence, between 3 and 15 die indirectly from diseases, medical complications and malnutrition. On average, countries in conflict have less than half the minimum number of recommended health workers.


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