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    National Child Counseling Center to be established

    August 03, 2014

    The Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Affairs is to establish a National Child Counseling Center and a National Safe Home under the National Child Protection Authority and to proceed with the relevant activities.

    The Ministry of Child Development and Women's Affairs takes initiatives with regard to protection, growth and development of children, with special emphasis on children in vulnerable circumstances and safeguarding the rights of children in contact with the law including child victims. Accordingly, utilizing the funds specially allocated by the Budget Estimate 2014 to eradicate child abuse and violence against women, the Ministry has decided to set up a National Child Counseling Center with a National Safe Home under the National Child Protection Authority. Accordingly, Rs.90 Million  has been allocated to construct a building for National Counseling Center cum National Safe Home with 19716 square feet.

    This proposed building will accommodate the victims of child abuse and other forms of violence until the judiciary procedure in regard to them is over and also providing counseling for them to regain their mental health which is disturbed as a result of victimization.

    Further, when an emergency situation occurs which necessitates bringing children to Colombo from child centers and shelters managed by other authorities including the charity organizations, there is a need to have a proper place in Colombo with child-friendly facilities to keep them temporarily.

    This proposed building will be constructed in a land adjoining the National Child Protection Authority situated at Madiwela, Sri Jayawardenepura. This land is a property of the National Child Protection Authority and it was granted by the Urban Development Authority. The proposed building will provide floor area for the safe home, care and therapy, counseling, clinical psychological services, National Resource Center for child protection and administration, (ST/KH)

    Last modified on Sunday, 03 August 2014 08:18

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