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    Police investigate deaths of two foreign nationals

    January 13, 2019

    The deaths of two foreign tourists were reported this week. On January 11, a British national died in Mirissa and an Indian national died the following day in Hambantota. In the first incident, a 52-year-old British national identified as Michelle Wienburg had died on admission to the Matara Hospital after she collapsed at a beach carnival at Mirissa. The postmortem examination revealed she suffered a heart attack.

    Ms Wienburg and her husband were staying at a hotel in the area and she had been attending a beach carnival when the incident occurred. Police said witnesses reported seeing Ms Wienburg vomiting and suddenly falling unconscious. She was rushed to the Matara Hospital, but died subsequently.

    In the other incident, on January 12, an Indian national who was attending a tourist camp at Ussangoda, in Ambalantota was found unconscious on the Welipatanvila beach. He was pronounced dead on admission to the Ambalantota Hospital. He was attending a special tourist camp organised for the seventh consecutive occasion, which saw the participation of tourists from 70 countries. The body was taken to the Hambantota hospital for a postmortem examination. Police are investigating both deaths.

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