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    Navy-renovated conference hall of a Catholic Tamil School in Urumalei

    May 18, 2019

    Marking another fruition of Navy’s Corporate Social Responsibility Projects, the renovated conference hall of St. Laurence Catholic Tamil School at Urumalei in Talaimannar was declared open for the use of its children on 16th May 2019.

    The ceremony was attended by religious dignitaries in the area, Executive Officer SLNS Thammanna, Lieutenant Commander BG Dhammika, officers of the establishment, Principal, staff members and children of the school and parents.
    Mrs. Lakshmi Kanter of USA sponsored for the renovation work that was undertaken by Navy Civil Engineering branch under the guidance of Commander North Central Naval Area, Rear Admiral Muditha Gamage.The Principal of the school and parents expressed their gratitude to the Navy for swift completion of renovation work. It is believed that magnanimous acts of this caliber would pave the way for reconciliation among people of different communities.

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