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    7,931 arrested for curfew violations - special operation in Colombo

    April 01, 2020

    The Police City Traffic Division had conducted a special operation in the Colombo area from Colombo 01 to 15 to nab curfew violators, the Police Media Division stated.

    Accordingly, they had arrested 195 persons who had violated curfew laws and had taken into police custody 110 vehicles. The Police Headquarters issuing a notice stated that the vehicles taken into police custody would not be released until the Corona threat is over and the situation in the country returns to normal. Overall the police had arrested 312 curfew violators during a six hour period from 12.00 noon to 6.00 pm (31). They had also seized 117 vehicles that were being used by the curfew violators. The overall arrests of curfew violators made so far from March 20th to date stands at 7,931 and a total of 1,981 vehicles had been seized.

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