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    Navy ensures cleanliness of beach through beach cleaning drive at Galle Face

    June 10, 2020

    The Navy launched another beach clean-up programme  (09th June 2020) centered around the Galle Face Green, in view of protecting and preserving the pristine beaches of the island.


    Going by the visionary concept – Green and Blue Drive, mooted by Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva similar beach cleaning programmes are being conducted by the Navy to protect beautiful beaches belonging to the country.

    As part of this initiative, a group of naval personnel attached to the Western Naval Command were deployed for the cleanup of the Galle Face beach today. Accordingly, naval personnel collected and removed a large amount of garbage including plastic and polythene scattered along the beach.

    Meanwhile, the Navy will continue to preserve the pristineness of the beaches around the island, by continuing its programmes to clean-up these heavenly destinations of tourists.


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