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      Two-day VOA commenced in parliament

    August 27, 2020


    Parliament commenced the two day debate on Rs.1.6 trillion Vote On Account (VOA) today (27). The debate which commenced at 9.30 am today will continue until 6.30p.m. sans a lunch break on both days.

    As per the vote on account, a sum of Rs.4.2 billion has been allocated for the expenditure of the President while a sum of Rs.392.4 million has been allocated for the Prime Minister excluding the other ministries under his purview. A sum of Rs.174.09 billion has been allocated for defence, Rs.76.6 billion for health and a sum of Rs.70.7 billion for education.

    In addition a sum of Rs.4.9 billion has been allocated for the Commission of Elections. House will also take a resolution to borrow a sum of Rs.750 billion through issue of treasury bills under section 2(1) of the local treasury Local Bills Ordinance.

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