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      Sri Lanka to receive the Covid-19 vaccine from India this week

    January 27, 2021

    State Minister of Primary Health Services, Pandemics and COVID Prevention Sudarshani Fernandopulle says Sri Lanka will receive the Covid-19 vaccine from India this week and
    the Health Ministry is getting ready for the vaccination process.

    She stated this at a special media briefing on the Covid-19 vaccination process.

    According to the State Minister, under the patronage of the President, Sri Lanka will be receiving 600,000 vials of doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines from India.

    Last weekend several rehearsals were carried out at three different locations under the supervision of the Health Ministry to identify the potentials and limitations of the vaccination

    State Minister further explained,

    The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is a successful vaccine to control the spread of Covid-19 which is used across the world and the effective response of this vaccine is
    scientifically proved.

    A priority group for the vaccination has already been identified; nearly 3 lakhs of individuals including frontline healthcare workers, armed forces, Sri Lanka Police. The second dose will be given three weeks after the first dose. Furthermore, as a result of COVAX facility, 20% of the vaccine stockpile will be given free of charge.

    The State Minister stressed on the fact that this vaccination process will play an imperative role in controlling the spread of the pandemic in the country. And she warmly requested the support of the media public awareness regarding the vaccination process. Director of the Health Education & Publicity Consultant Community Physician Dr. Palitha
    Karunapema, Secretary to the State Ministry of Primary Health Services, Pandemics, and COVID Prevention Dr. Amal Harsha de Silva were present at this occasion.


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