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    The Colombo Port City Economic Commission Bill passed in Parliament

    May 20, 2021

    The Colombo Port City Economic Commission Bill was passed with amendments to it by a majority vote in Parliament today (20).

    The number of votes received in in favor of the Third Reading of the Bill was 149 and the number of votes against the Bills was 58. Accordingly, the Bill was passed in Parliament with a majority of 91 votes.

    The number of votes received in in favor of the Second Reading of the Bill was 148 and the number of votes against the Bills was 59.

    During the Second Reading, the Government presented the Bill with amendments at the Committee of the Whole Parliament. Amendments proposed by the Opposition were rejected by the Government. Accordingly, a division were called for and voting took place in three occasions at the Committee Stage. The Opposition, asked for a number of clauses to be recorded as opposed by the Opposition during the committee stage.



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