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    ICTA calls applications for ‘e-Swabhimani 2021

    July 29, 2021

    e-Swabhimani, the Digital Social Impact Awards, that recognises the excellence of the use of Information and Communication Technology tools and applications for social wellbeing is an initiative of the Information and Communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA), the apex ICT institution of the Government, which functions under the Ministry of technology .

    Launched in 2009, e-Swabhimani has over the past 11 years successfully brought to light the best of local talents, encouraging them to greater heights by giving recognition to social causes that has a positive impact on the lives of people. The concept of e-Swabhimani is unique and novel as it celebrates and acknowledges digital applications and solutions of social benefit. Strongly committed to promote innovative and creative digital products and services of local developers, e-Swabhimani serves as a platform to take the best applications to international level.

    Aiming to felicitate fluid and intrigued social change e-Swabhimani 2021 calls for applications under the following categories; Government and Citizen Engagement, Health and Well-being, Learning and Education, Environment and Green Energy, Culture and Tourism, Smart Settlement and Urbanisation, Business and Commerce, Inclusion and Empowerment and Digital Entertainment. The youth category is introduced this year for those who are below 26 years of age.

    Along with the contribution to the society the applications will be evaluated for technical aspects and strategic aspects under each category. e-Swabhimani has been among the winners of World Summit Awards since 2010 bringing fame to Sri Lanka.As a platform that hails ‘catalytic innovation’, for social change e-Swabhimani is the only award in Sri Lanka that appreciates digital solutions for the benefit of society.

    Individuals, groups and organisations who have developed innovative digital solutions are welcome to apply. The closing date of applications is 15 August. For more information and application form visit www.eswabhimani.lk. and contact Ms. Chiranthi Balapatabendi - Director, Industry Development on 0773337241 or Mr. Nilan Thimbiripola - Senior Manager, Industry Development on 0779603064

    Last modified on Wednesday, 28 July 2021 20:57

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