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    Streamlining Complaint Handling Procedure and Introducing a Hotline for Inquiries from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka

    August 11, 2021

    The Financial Consumer Relations Department (FCRD) established under the provisions of Section 33 of the Monetary Law Act No. 58 of 1949, as amended, continues to serve as the single point of contact to handle complaints against financial service providers (FSPs) regulated by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL).

    FCRD introduced a complaint submission form for financial consumers who wish to submit a complaint against a FSP regulated by CBSL. This will streamline the complaint handling process in an efficient manner and financial consumers are encouraged to submit a clear and concise complaint with accurate information using the complaint submission form.

    More- https://www.cbsl.gov.lk/sites/default/files/cbslweb_documents/press/pr/press_20210810_streamlining_complaint_handling_procedure_and_introducing_a_hotline_for_inquiries_e.pdf

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