February 28, 2025
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    74 th  Independence Day Message by the Bishop of Colombo, Church of Ceylon

    February 04, 2022

    74 th  Independence Day Message by the Bishop of Colombo, Church of Ceylon

    It is my privilege to issue a message in connection with the 74 th  National Independence Day. People are compelled to face health hazards too in addition to various social, political, and economic challenges; and it is regretted.  Due to the efforts taken by the health authorities and the Government to overcome the COVID-19 situation; their ability to gradually bring day-to-day life to normalcy has enabled the Government to open the country. It could be considered a relief to the masses.

    The lesson that could be learned from the above facts is that every citizen should act with responsibility if a country needs to achieve development.

    A wise and mature society has a responsibility to respond and express constructive criticism that is required by public leaders. The duty and responsibility of every person is to empower the masses and plan a conducive environment for the growth of every child. It is important to reach toward new economic resources, introduce educational policies and commence to plan a new Constitution with the representation of all communities.

    I wish a conducive environment would dawn for all Sri Lankan citizens to live together as the siblings of one mother in peace and happiness.

    May God bless mother Lanka with all success!

    Rt. Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo,
    Bishop of Colombo
    Church of Ceylon.

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