February 27, 2025
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    Sri Lanka and Nepal continue collaborations in the construction sector

    February 10, 2022

    The Sri Lanka Embassy in Nepal and the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (EDB) jointly organized a virtual meeting for Sri Lankan Construction Companies to interact with the Nepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport (MPIT) and learn about procedures and regulations applicable to foreign investors, including for joint ventures.

     Joint Secretary of the Development Assistance Coordination and Quality Division of the MPIT Er. Keshab Kumar Sharma provided a comprehensive overview of the procedures
    in place, as well as the investment prospects in road works and transport. He also underlined the criteria and experience that is required while also providing a general outline of
    prospects in other areas such as hydro power development, architectural and engineering design, consultancy work and building construction. Er. Sharma further elaborated the
    criteria and opportunities available in physical infrastructure development and transport in Nepal in the medium term, and also responded to queries posed by the construction
    sector representatives from Sri Lanka. The participants welcomed a future opportunity to meet physically for face to face engagement, at an opportune time.

    The virtual meeting was held on 7 February and was organized in response to a request made by the construction industry representatives during the B2B session of 21 December
    2021, to facilitate a meeting with Government authorities in Nepal. Given the diversity of the sector, similar focused and in depth engagements were encouraged to be held in the
    future as well, with relevant Government partners in Nepal, in order to respond to questions from hydropower, building construction, and urban development sector companies in
    Sri Lanka.


    Over ten Sri Lankan companies participated in the virtual meeting including the Construction Industry Development Authority of Sri Lanka and Major Constructors of Sri Lanka.
    Ambassador Himalee Arunatilaka and, Director/Export Services of the EDB Indumini Kodikara also addressed the meeting.



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