March 12, 2025
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    Navy takes lead in conserving sea turtles and sets free 97 hatchlings to ocean

    April 14, 2023

    The Sri Lanka Navy set free 97 sea turtle hatchlings at the Panama beach on 11th April 2023, in a bid to save these endangered marine animal.

    The Deputy Area Commander Southeastern Naval Area, Commodore Ruwan Rupasena was also in attendance on this occasion where the hatchlings were released. As part of the Turtle Conservation Project of the Sri Lanka Navy, the eggs of these hatchlings were conserved, to help them start the journey to adulthood.

    Following the directives of the Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, the Navy carries out a Turtle Conservation Project in a bid to save these endangered marine species. The project ensures the conservation of sea turtle eggs and the safe release of hatchlings to the ocean. Apart from the navy-managed Turtle Conservation Centre in Panama, similar initiatives are being conducted along the Western, Southern and Eastern shorelines by the Sri Lanka Coast Guard.

    The eggs of released sea turtle hatchlings were conserved by the Turtle Conservation Unit at SLNS Mahanaga in the Southeastern Naval Command. Further, the unit has thus far released 15019 sea turtle hatchlings to the ocean, since its establishment.


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