March 11, 2025
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    The Orientation Programme for Youth Representatives of the Sectoral Oversight Committees to be held tomorrow

    May 12, 2023

    The Orientation Programme for Youth Representatives of the Sectoral Oversight Committees to be held tomorrow (13) under the patronage of the Hon. President, the
    Hon. Prime Minister and the Hon. Speaker.

    The Orientation Programme for Youth Representatives who were selected to connect with the Sectoral Oversight Committees of the Parliament will be held under the patronage of the Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe, the President, tomorrow, Saturday, the 13 th at 10.00 am at Water's Edge Hotel premises in Battaramulla.

    Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, Prime Minister, Hon. Mahinda Yapa Abeywardana, Speaker of Parliament including Ministers are scheduled to participate at this event. The programmme is organized by the Parliament of Sri Lanka with assistance from “Support to Parliament Project” - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). These youth representatives were selected based on qualifications, post publishing a newspaper advertisement to select youth representatives for the Sectoral Oversight Committees related to 17 subject areas established in the Parliament. Accordingly, nearly 550 youth representatives between the ages of 18-35 have been invited to this workshop.

    These Sectoral Oversight Committees function with the participation of Parliamentarians representing all political parties in the Parliament. As per the provisions of the amended Standing Orders passed by the Parliament, the Chair of a Committee may call five youth representatives each to assist the Committees in its inquiries conducted. Thus, it is expected select youth representatives to each respective Committee.

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