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    Women entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka connect with UK companies through UK – Sri Lanka Trade Mission

    December 04, 2024

    The United Kingdom (UK)-Sri Lanka Trade Mission, part of the UK Government-funded SheTrades Commonwealth+ Programme, is connecting 13 UK companies with 45 Sri Lankan women entrepreneurs on 2 – 6 December 2024.

    Co-organised by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB), the trade mission aims to strengthen bilateral economic trade between the UK and Sri Lanka and to unlock access to UK markets for Sri Lankan women-led businesses, whilst offering UK businesses new destinations to source from and diversify their product range. As Sri Lanka’s second largest export market, the trade mission is facilitating business-to-business opportunities between the UK companies and women-led businesses in the textiles and apparel and processed agrifood sectors with the aim of bringing new products to the British consumer. Participating UK companies are also conducting company field visits in the three regions, Colombo, Kurunegala, and Jaffna throughout the trade mission.

    The opening session in Colombo on 2 December 2024, includes remarks from H.E. Andrew Patrick, British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Hon. Chathuranga Abeysinghe,
    Deputy Minister of Industries and Entrepreneurship Development, Mr. Mangala Wijesinghe, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), EDB of Sri Lanka, and Mr. Marc-André Franche, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka.

    The panel session, “Unlocking Sri Lanka’s Untapped Export Potential - How to boost Sri Lankan exports, particularly from women entrepreneurs?” features Mr. Simon Calvert, Head of Programmes, Trade for Development, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of the UK Government; Mr. Mangala Wijesinghe, Chairman and CEO, Sri Lanka EDB; Ms. Seroshi Nandasiri, Founder and Chair, Women’s International Foundation; Ms. Tania Polonnowita Wettimuny, Group Managing Director, IAS Holdings; Ms. Sheamalee Wickramasingha, Group Managing Director of CBL Group; Dr. Nasir Awan, President, Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce; with moderator Dr. Michelle Kristy, Programme Manager of the SheTrades Commonwealth+ Programme at ITC.

    The business-to-business meetings are preceded by two information sessions for the participants, including an overview of the landscape of the relevant sectors in Sri Lanka with presentations from EDB sector officers; representatives from the Food Processors Association and the Joint Apparel Association Forum Sri Lanka; and the Sri Lanka Standards Institute. Mr. Fabian Hartwell, Regional Trade and Development Advisor, FCDO, and Mr. James Mason, CEO, West and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce are also sharing information for Sri Lankan businesses on the UK market landscape, market entry requirements, and the prevailing trade preferences such as the UK Developing Country Trading Scheme (UK DCTS).

    Quotes from the day

    H. E. Andrew Patrick, British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, emphasised the role of trade in empowering women and girls economically and encouraged collaborative efforts towards creating the right conditions and capacities for women-led SMEs to participate in and benefit equally from international trade which would require all levers in the ecosystem.

    Mr. Mangala Wijesinghe, Chairman and CEO, EDB Sri Lanka stated - Women entrepreneurs are key drivers of innovation, resilience, and inclusive growth in Sri Lanka’s economy. Despite their significant contributions, women remain underrepresented in international trade. This is why the EDB places a strategic focus on empowering women-led businesses to engage with global markets and this UK trade mission is an important enabler.”

    The Hon. Deputy Minister of Industry and Entrepreneurship, Chathuranga Abeysinghe, emphasized his appreciation for the broad geographic coverage of this mission, including the northern region, and encouraged the delegation of UK importers to have an open approach during their visit. The Hon. Deputy Minister appreciated this UK-Sri Lanka trade mission, which targets women-led businesses, as a well-timed initiative given Sri Lanka’s economy undertakes a transformation.

    Mr. Marc-André Franche, the Resident Coordinator of the United Nations Sri Lanka noted his appreciation for women-led businesses being the focus of this trade mission stating that “there is no way out of this fragile economy without growth. There is no way the country can grow without its export sector. We cannot achieve our export goals without placing women entrepreneurs at the heart of this effort.”

    “I find this trade mission to be a positive step towards women’s economic empowerment” – Khushnood Ahmed, Director, Hometex, Blackburn, UK.

    “I thought the sessions this morning were really informative, especially the challenges that women-led businesses face in scaling their business. For us, we have networked with several women entrepreneurs and will most probably be doing some business with them.” – Tayub Amjad, Manager, Zouk Group Ltd., Manchester, UK.

    About the SheTrades Commonwealth+ Programme

    Funded by the UK Government, the ITC SheTrades Commonwealth+ Programme aims to foster an enabling gender-inclusive business ecosystem by promoting inclusive policy and data and engaging business support organisations, private-sector partners, and women-led businesses in the Commonwealth countries and their key trading partners, including the ASEAN region.

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