The World Food Day is celebrated on 16th of Octomber every year. This is to celebrate the establishment of the world food and agriculure organization by the United Nations.It is celebrated under the theme “our actions-our future 2030”.President Sirisena who addressed the ceromony said that with the long history of food production as an agriculure based country we are a nation self-sustained with food.
Yet,1/3 of the cultivations are being destroyed by animals.Due to the droughts emerging from severe climatic conditions and floods, the cultivations are often being destroyed.In order to secure protection a regular program should be implemented, said the President. president Sirisena was also thankful for the contribution made by the united nations food and agriculture organization to Sr Lanka.
The students who were the winners of the completions held for the world food day were also presented awards by the President Minister Mahinda Amaraweera, Deputy Minister Faizer Kasim, Director of Sri Lanka for world food organization Brenda Brandon, representative of Sri Lanka for world food and agriculture organization Cina Brandstrup, and other local and foreigh representatives were present at the event audits