The Embassies of 22 Cricketing countries accredited to Cuba, in collaboration with Cuban National Institute of Sport (INDER) hosted the First ever Ambassadors´ Cup Cricket Tournament from 26th to 28th September 2014 at the Eduardo Saborit International Sports Complex, in Havana.
A high level delegation of officials of Trinidad and Tobago led by Sports Ambassador, Darren Ganga, the West Indian and International Cricketer, flew into Havana to officiate at the historic event, joined by referees and judges affiliated to INDER.The two day tournament was preceded by a Technical Workshop for players and officials which included an audiovisual presentation of the techniques of the game.
A total of six teams competed for the “Ambassadors ´Cup”, representing Asia (Sri Lanka, Pakistan and India), the Caribbean, South Africa, Guantanamo Province, University of Science of Informatics (UCI) and University of the Physical Culture and Sport Science “Manuel Fajardo” (UCCFD). The teams played enthusiastically, providing a rare opportunity for the large gathering to experience and enjoy some excellent batting, bowling, and the true spirit of the game of cricket. The limited over cricket encounter created a lot of interest and excitement among cricket players and fans in Cuba.
The Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Jennifer Kernahan, on behalf of The Ambassadors Cricket Club, presented Mrs. Gladys Bequer, Vice President of INDER with a Trophy in recognition of the historic ties of solidarity and collaboration with Cuba in the field of Cricket. The Vice President of INDER, Mrs. Gladys Bequer, also presented the Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago, with a Certificate of appreciation for this important initiative aimed at promoting the knowledge and the playing of the game of Cricket in Cuba. (KH)