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    Sri Lanka Cricket condoles on Phillip Hughes Tragic Death

    November 27, 2014

    ‘Our thoughts and prayers with Hughes, his family and friends’ - SLC


    The President, and the Executive Committee of Sri Lanka Cricket and the entire staff, Players and Officials of Sri Lanka Cricket  and the Cricket fraternity in Sri Lanka was deeply saddened by the passing away of Phillip Hughes.


    "His loss will no doubt be a blow to the world of cricket" - Nishantha Ranatunga ( Secretary SLC)


    “It’s a very sad day for cricket. We share the grief of Phil Hughes’ untimely and tragic death with his  family friends and team mates, and also with our friends in Cricket Australia said Secretary of SLC Nishantha Ranatunga in a message to Cricket Australia. " Being a youngster with much talent and promise his loss will no doubt be a blow to the world of cricket" Mr. Ranatunga added.

    ‘The entire team is saddened’- Angelo Mathews ( Captain Sri Lanka)


    “We are saddened and shocked at Phil Hughes’ untimely death. The team is sadden by this shocking incident and we send our prayers and heartfelt condolences to the family of Phil Hughes and his team mates.


    “Hughes was a terrific young player, and we found him to be a very cheerful and friendly person. This is indeed a great tragedy, and we share in the grief of his family and our Aussie team mates”. We pray that he will Rest in Peace, Let the Turf rest gently on him.



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