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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting held on 13.11.2018 Featured

    November 14, 2018

    1. Providing School Uniform Clothe for year 2019 (Document No.24)
    Authenticating the equal opportunities in education, the government has provided school uniform cloth to approximately 45 lakh of all school students over 25 years since 1993. It is understood that former system of providing school uniform clothe collected from local manufactures is more profitable than the “Gift Voucher” system practised by the government recently. Considering the Rs.50/- profit per 1 meter of cloth and saving foreign exchange by purchasing cloth from local manufacturers, the Cabinet of Ministers Approved the proposal presented by Dr. Wijayadasa Rajapaksha, Minister of Education and Higher Education to provide school uniform clothes for 2019.

    2. Water Supply for Inamaluwa, Kithulhitiyawa, Seegiriya, Habarana, Galewela and Thiththawelgolla under Local Government Enhancement Sector Project (Document No. 25).
    Water supply projects in Inamaluwa, Kithulhitiyawa, Seegiriya, Habarana, Galewela and thiththawelgolla areas are planned to be implemented under the "Visal Dambulla" Water Supply Project of Local Government Enhancement Sector Project. Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Faizer Mustapha, Minister of Provincial Council, Local Government and Sports to award the contracts of Inamaluwa and Kithulhitiyawa water supply extension project and Seegiriya and Habarana Water Supply Extension project to PND and E&C combined joint venture respectively for Rs. 491.9 million, and Rs. 415.3 million and Galewela and Thiththawelgolla water supply extension project to Squire Mech Engineering (Pvt) Ltd for Rs 660.6 million.

    3. Program to Empower Economy (Document No. 29)
    The Government has been carrying out programs to build up the economy through strengthening local entrepreneurs and industries by decreasing heavy taxes, Strengthening Agricultural field and providing relief to the people by reducing the prices of essential consumer products. Various relief such as reducing the prices of fuel and essential consumer products, providing relief for the loans obtained by small mill owners, farmers and the women in the drought-prone areas, providing Chemical Fertilizer Subsidies, reducing heavy taxes, granting tax relief for agriculture and construction fields, small business owners, overseas employees, professionals and medium scale entrepreneurs are proposed to be provided under this program. Accordingly the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon.Mahinda Rajapaksha to make amendments to relevant enactments enabling the implementation of proposals presented on 01.11.2018 in his capacity as the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs.


    4. Seed paddy subsidy for paddy fields damaged by mite and stem borer pest in yala season 2018. (Document No.30)
    Paddy cultivations in Ampara and Polonnaruwa Districts were severely damaged by mite and stem borer pest in Yala Season 2018 .The damage is estimated as 34,759 acre paddy fields belong to 18,280 farmers in Polonnaruwa District and 7,402 acre paddy fields belong to 3,676 farmers in Ampara District. Under this circumstance farmers have met with difficulties in finding seed paddy for 2018/19 Maha Season. Hence the cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president Maithreepala Sirisena and Hon. Mahinda Amaraweera , Minister of Agriculture to grant a compensation of Rs. 1500 up to 3000 per acre relative to the damage.

    5. Upcoming Provincial Council Election. (Document No. 34)
    Provision should be made promptly for Provincial Council Election, since 6 out of 9 provincial councils have already been completed its’ official term. Electoral Divisions determination process which is essential for conducting elections under Mixed Member Proportional Representation method introduced under Provincial Council Elections Act No. 2 of 1988 amended by the provincial council elections (Amendment Act) no 17 of 2017, has not been accomplished up to now. Considering the need of conducting Provincial Council Election immediately, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Faizer Musthapa, Minister of Provincial Council, Local Government and Sports, to prepare bills to conduct provincial council election, under the former proportional representation method ensuring 25% female representation for this time only.


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