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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting held on 29.01.2019 Featured

    January 31, 2019


    1. Controlling the quantity of waste that accumulated on the coast and ocean via water ways (Document No.08)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president Maithreepala Sirisena in his capacity as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment to implement District wise programs to maintain clean water ways with the intention of increase tourist attraction by keeping the coast and the ocean clean.

    1. Forest Cultivation in order to produce timber(Document No.09)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president Maithreepala Sirisena in his capacity as the Minister of Mahaweli Development and Environment to secure funds for implementing forest cultivation projects in Vavuniya, Kilinochchi and Mannar Districts.

    1. Rapid Implementation of resettlement activities in Northern and Eastern Provinces (Document No .11)

     The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by  Prime Minister Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe , Minister of  National Policies, Economic Affairs,  Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Nortern Provice Development, Vocational Training and Skills Development and Youth Affairs to build 4,750 houses,  improve infrastructure facilities in the area and to  develop Thikkam Distilaries  in order to upgrade Palmyra  Industries.

    1. Use the Management for Development Results Concept (MfDR) as a planning and management technique. (Document No 12)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by  Prime Minister Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe , Minister of  National Policies, Economic Affairs,  Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Nortern Provice Development, Vocational Training and Skills Development and Youth Affairs to implement MfDR  Process in 5 ministries and 2 Provincial Councils as the commencement and to cover all the government institutions upon the success of the process.

    1. Development of Palali (Kankasanthurai) Airport to operate regional commercial flights. (Document No.13)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by  Prime Minister Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe , Minister of  National Policies, Economic Affairs,  Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Nortern Provice Development, Vocational Training and Skills Development and Youth Affairs to use Palali Airport to operate commercial flights and to complete  necessary developments of the airport  through Sri Lanka Air Force with Rs.1,950 million investment.

    1. Compensate the persons affected by constructions of the Kandy Multimodal Transport Terminal (Document No 21)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Patali Champika Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development to compensate the persons affected by constructions of the Kandy Multimodal Transport Terminal, in accordance with the recommendations provided by the Title Asset Committee appointed to calculate compensations.

    1. Provide Facilities to upgrade the productivity in Tea and Coconut Plantation Fields. (Document No. 23)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Naveen Dissanayake Minister of Plantation Industries to secure funds to upgrade the productivity of the small-scale tea estates and coconut estates.

    1. Renovation of Seeds and Planting materials supply System of the Department of Agriculture.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development to secure Rs.335 million for the renovation of seeds and planting material supply system of the department of Agriculture.


    1. Enhance Food Security by setting up a Sustainable Agricultural Development Centre (Document No.28)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development to secure funds to establish Sustainable Agricultural Development Centre combining the Centre of Excellence for Organic Agriculture , Makandura and  Regional Agricultural Research and Development Centre , Makandura.


    1. Ensure the quality of seeds and planting materials (Document No 29)

     The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development to secure funds to secure funds to provide farmers with necessary equipments in order to produce quality seeds, provide facilities for the improvements and proper maintenance of gardens where mother plant are being grown, Promoting new plant varieties and approved  imported planting materials, ensure the quality of seeds and planting materials  in the market,  utilization of  multiple media advertising methods for awareness on quality planting materials and to widen the industry of producing planting materials.

    1. Strengthen the implementation and regulating mechanism of Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980. (Document No. 30)

     The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development to secure funds to widen the regulatory field and to build data systems and strengthen administrative structure with the intention of efficient implementation of the Act.

    1. Increase Food security through the establishment of a National level Analytical  Laboratory (Document No 31)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development to secure funds for the establishment of a modern technology laboratory and to provide Laboratory equipments and other facilities for enhancing investigation capacity.


    1. Entering in to Bilateral Aviation Agreements (Document No. 40,43,44 and 45)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Arjuna Ranatunga, Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation to enter in to aviation agreements with Afghanistan, State of Qatar , Israel and Zimbabwe and to implement the said bilateral agreements consequently contributing the development of the country.

    1. Amendments to the section 45 of Judicature Act No.02 of 1978 (Document No. 49)

     The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Thalatha Athukorala, Minister  of Justice and Prison Reforms to present the bill prepared for revising section 45 of the Judicature Act No 2 of 1978 for the parliamentary approval.

    1. Establishment of a Tamil Medium National School in Kelaniya Educational Zone (Document No 55)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mano Ganetion, Minister of National Integration Official Languages, Social Progress and Hindu Religious Affairs to  establish a Tamil Medium National School in Kelaniya Educational Zone  named  Arun Manikkawasagam Hindu Vidyalaya.

    1. Priority based Implementation of Road Development Projects in Northern and Eastern Provinces (Document No. 59)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by  Prime Minister Hon. Ranil Wickramasinghe , Minister of  National Policies, Economic Affairs,  Resettlements and Rehabilitation, Nortern Provice Development, Vocational Training and Skills Development and Youth Affairs to award the road development contract as follows.

    Road Rehabilitation Contract of Northern Provincial Road Development Department CEC-NEM  joint venture

    Road Rehabilitation Project of Northern Provincial Department of Local Government  to  KDE Weerasinghje pvt. Ltd

    Eastern Provincial Road Rehabilitation Contract of Road Development Authority Consult Engineering and Contracts PVT.LTD

    Road Rehabilitation contract of Eastern Provincial Department of Road Development to Nawaloka Constructions PVT.LTD.

    Road Rehabilitation Contract of Eastern Provincial Department of Local Government  to Sinohydro Corporation Limited.


    1. Development of the facilities in  Kelaniya, Sri Jayawardhanapura, Sabaragamuwa and Moratuwa Universities (Document No. 61)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rauff Hakkem, Minister of City Planning, Water Supply and Higher Education to build a four story building for the University of Kelaniya, 1st phase of multipurpose building project of the University of Sri Jayawardhanapura, 1st Phase of  the faculty building complex of Sri Lanka Sabaragamuwa University, and remaining works of engineering faculty multipurpose building and Architectural Faculty lecture hall of the University of Moratuwa.

    1. Upgrade of Horana – Padukka and Habarana- Walachchena Transmission network (Document No. 63)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayaka , Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to award the contract for the construction of  25 km transmission line from Horana to Padukka and wiring the second circuit of  Habarana Walachchena transmission cable system to M/s China National Electric Engineering Co. Ltd.

    1. Contract for the construction of transmission lines and increasing capacity under National Transmission and Distribution Network Development and efficiency improvement Project.

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayaka , Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to award the contract of constructing transmission lines and increasing Capacity  designed as the third component of the project to joint venture of Kindern Corporation and Kalpathru Power Transmission.


    1. Upgrade capacity of coal yard of Lakvijaya Coal Power station (Document No 65)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayaka , Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to award the contract to widen the capacity of coal yard up to 1.21 million metric tons of coal to M/s China Machnery Engineering Corporation.



    1. Construction of new store buildings and reconstruction of existing stores for Paddy Marketing Board (Document No.68)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister of Agriculture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestock Development, Irrigation and Fisheries & Aquatic Resources Development to construct two new store buildings at Beliaththa and Meegahajandura  with 2,000 MTon capacity and  modern technology and to reconstruct 39 paddy stores island wide.

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