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    Decisions taken by the Cabinet of Ministers at its meeting held on 05.02.2019 Featured

    February 06, 2019
    1. Implementation of National Action PIan Against Corruption (Document No.06)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president

    Maithreepala Sirisena to implement the National Action plan against corruption within

    the period 201.9-2023.

    1. Implementation of National Drug Prevention Program "Mathin Nidahas Ratak"

    (Document No.10)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president

    Maithreepala Sirisena to establish a national authority for the rehabilitation of drug

    Addicts and to make use of imported equipments to identify Narcotic drugs.

    3.lmprovement of the building where Police Recruiting Division and lnformation

    Division is functioned (Document No .12)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by H.E. the president

    Maithreepala Sirisena in his capacity as the Minister of Defense to allocate Rs. 126.8

    million Provisions within 2020-2022 mid-term budget framework to improvement and

    complete repair the building where police recruiting division and information

    technology division is functioned.

    4.Relief for tri-force persons who have disabled by terrorist activities and retired or

    resigned from the service (Document No 14)

    The Cabinet of ministers has granted their approval to provide relief for disabled Tri

    Force Members who retired completing the period of service, due to 50% lessened

    disability. Accordingly, the proposal presented by H.E. the president Maithreepala

    Sirisena in his capacity as the Minister of Defense to grant relief for another 792 retired

    tri force members was approved by the cabinet of Ministers.


    5.Provide a land to expand the area of Lanka-German Technical Training lnstitute.

    (Document No.20)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Prime Minister Hon. Ranil

    Wicl<ramasinghe, Minister of National Policies, Economic Affairs, Resettlements and

    Rehabilitation, Nortern Provice Development, Vocational Training and Skills

    Development and Youth Affairs to obtain the adjoining land 04 acre 15.5 perch in

    extent, owned by Urban Development Authority on lease basis .

    6.Establish a method of selecting beneficiaries for welfare programs. (Document No 23)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala

    Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to submit the orders drafted under

    section 27 of lhe welfare Benefits Act no 24 of 2002 to Legal Draftsman.

    1. Construction of Kokkilai Bridge across Kokkilai lagoon in Mulativu - Kokkilai -

    Pulmudei road and its access roads . (Document No. 25)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala

    Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to conduct loan negotiation

    discussions with CSOB Banl< in Czech Republic and a Iocal commercial bank to obtain

    financial facilities for this purpose.

    1. Agreement on Taxation between Sri Lanka and the Government of Ukraine.

    (Document No 26)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Mangala

    Samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media for state level entry for the

    agreement that is alreadrT exist in official level with Ukrainian Government on Taxation.

    1. lmplementation of projects using grants made by the Global Fund in 20L9-2A2L

    (Document No.28)

    The Global Fund has allocated USD 12.8 for the period 2019-2021. and the Cabinet of

    Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rajitha Senarathna Minister of

    Health, Nutrition and lndigenous Medicine regarding the agreement made to obtain

    said grants.

    1. lmplementation of Kolonnawa Strom Water Drainage and Environment lmprovement

    Program (Document No 32)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Patali Champika

    Ranawaka, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development to implement Kolonnawa

    Strom Water Drainage and Environment lmprovement Project during 2Ot9 -2022


    1. Upgrade the level of Diploma Course .conducted by the Sri Lanka School of Animal

    Husbandry Kundasale up to NVQ 5 and G (Document No. 37)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. P. Harrison, Minister

    of Agricuiture, Rural Economic Affairs, Livestocl< Development, lrrigation and Fisheries &

    Aquatic Resources Development to secure funds to setup electronic educational

    facilities with infrastructure facilities and training farm and infrastructure facilities for

    this purpose.

    1. National Housing policy (Document No 47)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the pr"oposal presented by Hon. Sajith premadasa,

    Minister of Housing, Constructions and Cultural Affairs regarding the National Housing

    Policy revised considering the present scope of the Ministry.

    1. Award the Contract to supply Liquid Petroleum Gas (LpG) for Litro Gas Lanka Ltd in

    year 201912020 (Document No.62)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented

    samaraweera, Minister of Finance and Mass Media to award the

    purchase of Liquid Petroleum Gas 350,000 MT to M/s p,am Trading

    by Hon. Mangala

    procurement for the

    lnternational Ltd.

    1. Building Construction Procurement for oPD, Laboratory, Xray Unit and Wards in

    National lnstitute of tnfectious Diseases (lDH), Angoda (Document No. G4)

    the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Rajitha Senarathna

    Minister of Health, Nutrition and lrrdigenous Medicine to award this contract to M/s

    George Steiart Emgineering (Pvt)Ltd in accordance with the recommendation of

    Procurement Appeal Board.

    1. Procurement of Lubricant for Ceylon Electricity Board's Barge Mounted power Station

    (Document No 65)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi l(arunanayaka,

    Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to award the contract of supplying

    750,000 liters of Cylinder Lubricants and l-75,000 System Lubricants needed by Barge

    Mounted Power Station for 2OtBl2019 to M/s Chevron Lubricants Lanka pLC.

    1. Procurement of Lubricant for Sapugaskanda Power Station (Document No G6)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayaka,

    Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to award the contract of supplying

    800,000 liters of Taro 40 XL 40 Lubricants for Sapugasl<anda Pielstick power Station and

    300,000 Taro 40 XL 40 Lubricants for Sapugaskanda MAN power Station to M/s

    Chevron Lubricants Lanl<a pLC.

    1. Purchase of spare parts for major repairs to be carried out according to the operating

    time of the machines in sapugaskanda power station (Document No. 67)

    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposal presented by Hon. Ravi Karunanayaka,

    Minister of Power, Energy and Business Development to award this contract to M/s

    vRrv rnutgy Solutions SE in accordance with the recommendation of cabinet appointed

    stand ing procu rement committee.

    1. Construction of Rural Bridges (Document No. Gg)


    The Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposar presented by Hon. wajira Minister of lnternal and Home Affairs and provincial

    Government Council and Local to award the contract for the construction of 175 bridges covering the g

    provinces to Cleveland Bridge UK Limited for sterling pound 37.7 million in Accordance with the recommendation on Negotiation committee appointed by the cabinet.

    1. consulter services for the second combined road investment program. (Document No.73)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposar presented by Hon. Kabeer Hsheem, of Highways, Road Development and petroreum Resources Deveropment award to this contract to Egis lnternational and Greentech Consurtants (pvt) Ltd joint venture upon the recommendation of cabinet appointed Advisory procurement Committee.

    1. Rehabilitation and improvement of 25 Km Road section from maragankadawala to Habarana in Maradankadawala _ Habarana _ thirukkondiadimadu (a11) road.

    (Document No 75)

    The cabinet ministers approved the proposel presented by hon. Kabeer. Hsheem minister of highways, road development and development and petroleum resources development to aword this contract with 5 year maintenance period to consulting engineers and contractors (pvd) led in accordance with the recommendatation of cabinet appointed standing procurement committee.

    1. Procurement of oil and lubricants for busses owned by the sri lanka transport board ( Document) No.77)

    The cabinet ministers approved the proposel presented by hon. Ajuna Ranathunga, Minister of Transport and Sivil Aviation to aword the contract of supply oil and lubricants for sri lanka transport board busses to m/s mclarents ltd upon the recommendatation of cabinet appointed stating procurement committee.

    1. lmplementation of paddy purchasing program during maha season 2018/2019 (Document No. 87)

    The cabinet of Ministers approved the proposar presented by Hon. Mangara samaraweera' Minister of Finance and Mass Media to secure Rs.5,000 million Financial provision to implement paddy purchasing program for this Maha season. Under this Paddy Marketing Board and District Co-operative societies at a price of Rs a

    long bannar

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