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    Government to strengthen the Media sector Featured

    June 30, 2016

    Government is looking at the potential to establish an International Media Training Academy in Sri Lanka with foreign assistance.


    According to the Media Minister Gayantha Karunathilake, strengthening of the Mass Media sector in the country is significantly important in terms of protecting the democracy.


    “We identified four steps that should be taken to strengthen the media sector. Professional journalism, law, regulations and policies, media industry, technical richness are areas important in strengthening the media as a free, independent, and professional sector,” the minister added.


    A research report on media compiled by the Mass Media Ministry with recommendations was presented to Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. These recommendation are expected to be implemented soon. Meanwhile, an Independent Media Commission will be established to regulate both the print and electronic media.


    Minister further pointed out that the government has also paid attention to introduce a minimum salary to media personnel, who are currently working for low salaries.

    Last modified on Thursday, 30 June 2016 12:29

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