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    Independent Media Commission soon Featured

    July 28, 2016

    Proposed Independent Media Commission will be established after  a consensus with the heads of the media institutions, journalists,  academics, and public, said the Minister of Parliamentary Reforms and Mass Media Gayantha Karunathilake.

    Addressing the Cabinet press briefing at the Department of Government Information he said that the new commission would not be enforced on journalists at all.


    Joining the occasion, the Deputy Minister Karunarathne Paranawithana said that it was expected to make the media sector a field, where journalists with a high professionalism engaged with it.  As an access for that purpose the Commission will be established soon. Currently, there is a very bad situation regarding the Sri Lanka's media sector and this sector cannot be kept unregulated, he added.


    According to the Deputy Minister, the Commission will pay its primary attention on ethics of journalism.

    Last modified on Thursday, 28 July 2016 17:58

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